2024 Vice Presidential Voter Guide Footnotes

  1. Congressional Website,  H.R.2882 VOTED AGAINST – Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 – A $1.2 Trillion spending bill 3/23/2024: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1182/vote_118_2_00114.htm Congressional Website, HR.815 VOTED AGAINST – Making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year September 30, 2024 – The appropriations bill tying together funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan 4/24/2024: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1182/vote_118_2_00048.htm JD Vance, Twitter, X – “Kamala Harris opened the border on day one…She cast the deciding vote on the inflation explosion act. Now families can’t afford groceries or rent. She won’t do an interview because she can’t explain this record. 4/27/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1828470570373050836 WATCH: The National Desk Short, YouTube video – “Now after COVID President Trump set America on the path to a powerful inflation free recovery. All Kamala Harris had to do was leave it alone…And that makes Kamala Harris directly responsible for this inflation disaster because she cast the tie breaking vote on nearly two trillion dollars in reckless spending.”  2024: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cF6VUbbSgXM WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show, Chase The Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance”  ” “(Kamala Harris) On day 1…we’re going to make groceries and housing more affordable again”…day 1 was 3.5 years ago! @1:20:19 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH Rumble “The Charlie Kirk Show, Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” -“Inflation…housing for the example…you let in 25 million illegal aliens into this country…they’re going to compete against Americans for scarce homes that are out there. Kamala Harris cast the tie breaking vote for the Inflation Explosion Act, so mortgage interest rates are higher. Home prices are way higher. And now Americans can’t afford to buy a home.” @1:32:35 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html JD Vance, Twitter/X – “How long has Kamala Harris known that Joe Biden was mentally unfit? She says she will work to end inflation on ‘day one’ in her scripted speeches, but ‘day one’ for her was over three years ago. What’s she been doing?” 8/8/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1821655769986572513? JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Thanks to regulations…We ‘subsidize’ EVs but make it harder to make the components in America. Our money and our jobs keep going to China.” 9/4/2024: https://twitter.com/JDVance/status/1831350298096373847 Senator Vance Press Office, Twitter/X – Senator JD Vance questions Stellantis decision to cut jobs at Jeep plants – “It makes little sense that compliance with a four-year-old California regulation should require a plant in Ohio to cut a fifth of its workers.” 12/11/2023: https://twitter.com/SenVancePress/status/1734288034374324461 Senator Vance Press Office, Twitter/X – JD Vance rips Biden’s green energy agenda for crushing the US steel industry “These people expect us to protect their industries and jobs. They get the short end of the stick every time Biden puts the radical climate agenda above Ohio workers.” 9/14/2023: https://twitter.com/SenVancePress/status/1702421502451196352 2. Article, CBS NEWS – “Gov Walz signed paid family and medical leave into law…” – Paid for by taxpayers, the bill will give 12 weeks of medical leave (20 weeks in a single year) and 12 weeks for a caretaker. 5/25/2023: https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/gov-walz-signed-paid-family-and-medical-leave-into-law-how-will-it-work/ Article, CBS NEWS – “Program to provide free meals for all Minnesota students is costing the state more than expected” – Gov Walz signed a bill in 2023, giving free meals to all Minnesota students…covered by Minnesota taxpayers. 12/20/2023: https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/minnesota-program-to-provide-free-school-meals-for-all-kids-is-costing-the-state-more-than-expected/ Legislation – HR. 2497, Section 1. [121A.212] ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS.  A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. (Free products paid for by taxpayers.) posted 3/27/2024: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF2497&session_year=2023&session_number=0&version=latest#:~:text=ACCESS%20TO%20MENSTRUAL%20PRODUCTS. Tim Walz, Twitter, X – “The Inflation Reduction Act is a massive step in moving our state forward. Minnesota will be stronger with these critical investments to reduce costs for families and combat climate change.” 4/16/2022: https://x.com/tim_walz/status/1559690479691767810 Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “Climate change is an existential threat to our way of life here in MN. That’s why we’re taking action to pioneer the green economy with #CleanCarsMN — and reduce our carbon emissions by 2 *million* tons by 2030″ 9/27/2019: https://x.com/GovTimWalz/status/1177572846173851648 Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “We’ve struck a blow against climate change by putting Minnesota on a pathway to 100% clean energy by 2040. Now we’re ready to leverage Inflation Reduction Act funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions…” 4/3/2024: https://x.com/GovTimWalz/status/1775677321921360032 Article, Twin Cities Pioneer Press – “Walz signs $72 billion Minnesota budget: We’re leaving no one behind” 5/25/2023: https://www.twincities.com/2023/05/24/walz-signs-new-72-billion-minnesota-budget-were-leaving-no-one-behind/ 3. Congressional Website, S.3915 Sponsored – No Community Development Block Grants for Sanctuary Cities Act – To prohibit sanctuary jurisdictions from receiving community development block grants 3/12/2024: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3915/cosponsors JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Elizabeth Warren is so excited to elect Border Czar Kamala Harris because she knows Kamala wants to give mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.” 7/28/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1817664798839972054 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “The Kamala Harris economy is already a nightmare for native born American citizens and she wants to make it worse by giving mass amnesty to millions of illegals.” 8/2/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1819448085766197739 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Kamala Harris doesn’t just support open borders and amnesty, she wants to force American citizens to pay for free healthcare for illegals.” 7/24/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1816295976182898999 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “…the infrastructure bill gave the Dems air cover to push a massive amnesty. This is a disaster for our country.” 8/9/2021: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1424914958224183296 WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” –  “Kamala Harris…her entire campaign…she’s trying to run away from every position she had 3.5 years ago. She said she wanted to defund the police…and now she says she doesn’t. She wanted to ban fracking and now she says she doesn’t. She was the border czar who opened the American southern border but now all of a sudden, she says she believes in border security.” @1:16:06 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html Senator Vance Press Office, Twitter/X – “Senator JD Vance bill would ban sanctuary cities from receiving federal housing grants.” 3/12/2024: https://twitter.com/SenVancePress/status/1767541001395077131 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “One of the reasons why California has so much migrant crime is because it is a sanctuary state that shields illegal aliens from deportation. But the most destructive part of the Kamala Harris border plan is where she says that she wants to give her 8.5+ million illegal aliens an “earned pathway to citizenship,” which means rewarding illegal aliens with amnesty and the right to vote in our next election.” 9/9/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/18331758181486719355 4. Congressional Website, HR.3003 VOTED AGAINST – No Sanctuary for Criminals Act 3/23/2024: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2017342 Congressional Website, HR.3009 VOTED AGAINST – Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act 7/23/2015: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2015466 WATCH: The DC Shorts,YouTube video – “Tim Walz on sanctuary states and cities” – Replied “Yes” when asked if cities should be allowed to be sanctuary cities. 8/6/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVsVHX40gr4 Article, FOX NEWS – “Walz backed sanctuary policies services for illegal immigrants as governor: Win for open borders” – “Here’s what I believe: Congress has given federal agencies the authority to enforce immigration laws in Minnesota, and I support their doing so. Congress has not given local law enforcement that same authority. The role of law enforcement is to enforce state and local laws, not federal immigration laws, and I strongly believe that they should not do so” 8/6/2024: https://archive.ph/bm38T Article, The Washington Free Beacon – “Gov Tim Walz made Minnesota a Sanctuary State for Illegal Immigrants, Providing Free Health Care and College Tuition” – Walz said “local law enforcement should not cooperate with federal agencies in enforcing federal immigration laws.” 8/6/2024: https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/gov-tim-walz-made-minnesota-a-sanctuary-state-for-illegal-immigrants-providing-free-health-care-and-college-tuition/ Article, FOX NEWS – “Harris and Walz both support amnesty for illegal migrants” –  “Walz wrote…pushing for a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants as part of a potential budget reconciliation bill, including those protected from deportation and those who came to the U.S. as minors.” 8/9/2024: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/walz-like-harris-has-pushed-mass-amnesty-illegal-immigrants?intcmp=fb_fnc&%3Fintcmp=fb_fnc Governor Tim Walz, Facebook – “As you work to finalize a budget reconciliation bill, we urge you to prioritize a clean pathway to citizenship for essential workers, Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders and their families.” 8/30/2021: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1932329186940627&id=1093525130821041&set=a.1113467258826828 5. Article, WSJ Opinion – “JD Vance: Harris Wages War on US Energy” – “The net-zero project is already stifling investment in the coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants that Americans rely on for reliable, affordable ‘base load’ electricity.” 8/19/2024: https://archive.ph/ZfZ1N WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “She’s (Kamala Harris)…gone to war against American energy…You want to manufacture anything, you need energy. Our farmers want to transport food to the grocery store? They got to do it on trucks. The trucks require energy. So, when you raise the cost of energy, then you raise the cost of everything else. Kamala Harris would rather us buy oil and gas from tin pot dictators all over the world. I think we need to buy energy from American workers and from American territory.” @ 1:33:03 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” –   “Kamala Harris…her entire campaign…she’s trying to run away from every position she had 3.5 years ago. She said she wanted to de-fund the police…and now she says she doesn’t. She wanted to ban fracking and now she says she doesn’t. She was the border czar who open the American southern border but now all of a sudden she says she believes in border security.” Timestamp 1:16:06 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html Congressional Website, S.319 Co-Sponsored – POWER Act – This bill requires the President and federal agencies to obtain the approval of Congress before prohibiting or substantially delaying certain new energy or mineral leases or permits on federal lands. 2/9/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/319/cosponsors JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Harris’s environmental policies have shuttered reliable coal power plants, slowed the approval of new natural gas plants and failed to enact permitting reform for American generation and transmission infrastructure. Instead, they have placed an increasing burden on less reliable sources of energy, such as solar and wind.” 9/9/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1833175813879128551 6. Article, Time Magazine – “Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues” – “His (Walz) administration is aiming to move Minnesota to 100% clean energy by 2040, and he signed legislation in 2023 that encourages utilities to establish renewable energy facilities in communities that used to have fossil-fuel-generating plants.”  8/6/2024: https://time.com/7008402/tim-walz-policy-positions-abortion-guns-immigration/ Legislation, MN Gov. Press Release – “Governor Walz Signs Bill Moving Minnesota to 100 percent Clean Energy by 2040” 2/7/2023:  https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-563453 Legislation, Office of the Revisor of Statues – Signed into law as Governor HF7 – Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 216B.1691, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 2g. Carbon-free standard. 2/2/2023: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?f=HF7&y=2023&ssn=0&b=house Legislation, MN Governor Press Release – “Governor Walz signs Energy Permitting Reform Legislation” – “Legislation will streamline the energy permitting process and help the state transition to 100 percent clean electricity by 2040″ 6/27/2024: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-630240 Legislation, MN Governor Press Release – “Governor Walz Announces $200 Million for Climate Smart Food Systems in Minnesota” – “Funds will reduce climate pollution with new equipment for farmers, food waste prevention, peatland restoration, and electric vehicles” 7/23/2024: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-638440 7, Congressional Website, S.2374 Sponsored – No Obamacare for Illegal Aliens Act – 9/5/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2374/cosponsors Congressional Website, S.3490 Co-Sponsored – No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act – To prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from providing health care to, or engaging in claims processing for health care for, any individual unlawfully present in the United States who is not eligible for health care under the laws administered by the Secretary. 12/13/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3490/cosponsors JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Kamala Harris wants to bankrupt Medicare by giving it to illegal aliens.”  8/26/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1828056635354517684 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Kamala Harris doesn’t just support open borders and amnesty, she wants to force American citizens to pay for free healthcare for illegals.  7/24/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1816295976182898999 Article, The Hill News – “JD Vance’s views on health care What to know” – “Vance blasted a Biden administration policy finalized in May that would allow DACA recipients to enroll in certain ObamaCare exchange plans, saying Biden was “giving your hard-earned money away to illegal immigrants in the form of taxpayer-funded health care.” 7/16/2024: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4775098-vance-healthcare-positions/ WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “Kamala Harris’ entire policy is to import millions and millions of people into this country who violate our laws and then give them benefits that should go to American citizens.…she wants to give them homes…she wants to give illegal aliens Medicare which would bankrupt that program and throw millions of American citizens into poverty. She wants to give them social security. Kamala Harris wants to give the American dream to people who shouldn’t even be here.” Timestamp 1:38:03 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html Senator Vance Press Office, Twitter/X – “Senator JD Vance bill would ban sanctuary cities from receiving federal housing grants. With this legislation, the local officials who undermine America’s border security can say goodbye to these federal housing grants.” 3/12/2024: https://twitter.com/SenVancePress/status/1767541001395077131 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Thanks to Kamala Harris…a lot of low-income seniors are struggling to get the food they need. I’m sure the illegal aliens she invited in are enjoying their free healthcare, though.” 4/29/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1829147074358849946 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “Kamala Harris promising to give welfare, amnesty, and voting rights to millions of illegal immigrants. 8/19/2024: https://twitter.com/JDVance/status/1825631110925037699 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “…housing assistance has gone to noncitizens—there are a number of federal housing subsidies that noncitizens are eligible for: including the HOME Investment Partnership Program and Treasury’s pandemic era Emergency rental assistance program.” 9/9/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1833175799714771185 8. Legislation, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, Minnesota Session Laws 2023 – “Subd. 10. Citizenship requirements. (a) Eligibility for MinnesotaCare is limited available to citizens or nationals of the United States and; lawfully present noncitizens as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 8, section 103.12.; and undocumented noncitizens are ineligible for MinnesotaCare.” Gives access to state-funded health care for illegals – 2023: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/2023/0/70/#laws.16.15.0 Article, Twin Cities Pioneer Press – “Walz signs $72 billion Minnesota Budget We’re leaving no one behind” – “The health and human services bill, which sets a $6.2 billion budget for the next two years, contains many provisions, including the creation of a health care affordability board and allowing people in the U.S. illegally to enroll in MinnesotaCare health insurance.” 5/24/2023: https://archive.ph/z1TXd Article, SCRIPPS News – “Undocumented immigrants eligible for free college in Minnesota” – “Starting in 2024, undocumented immigrants in Minnesota will be among those eligible for tuition-free public college for state residents for families making less than $80,000 annually…The bill was signed into law last month by Gov. Tim Walz.” 6/5/2023: https://archive.is/6B2kN Article, CAMPUS REFORM – “New Law will qualify illegal immigrants for free college in Minnesota” – “The Minnesota Dream Act was passed in 2023 to allow illegal immigrants to be eligible to receive in-state tuition and financial aid at colleges in the Minnesota State and University of Minnesota system…Citizen students are also eligible for the North Star Program, given that they fit the criteria.” 6/8/2023: https://www.campusreform.org/article/new-law-will-qualify-illegal-immigrants-free-college-minnesota/23436 Article, The Washington Free Beacon – “Gov. Tim Walz Made Minnesota a Sanctuary State for Illegal Immigrants Providing Free Health Care and College Tuition” – “…Walz has signed several pieces of legislation that [give] illegal immigrants…access to state-funded health care, free college tuition, and driver’s licenses.”  8/6/2024: https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/gov-tim-walz-made-minnesota-a-sanctuary-state-for-illegal-immigrants-providing-free-health-care-and-college-tuition/ Article, MPR News – “MinnesotaCare expands eligibility to Minnesotans with undocumented status” – “…through the state’s low-income health insurance marketplace, MinnesotaCare. It will take effect in January 2025.” 6/5/2023: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/06/05/minnesotacare-expands-eligibility-to-undocumented-minnesotans 9. Trump War Room, Twitter/X – JD Vance: “If you think groceries are bad, wait until Kamala Harris makes every American trucker drive an electric truck…makes everybody buy a Chinese-made electric vehicle. If you think housing prices are bad, wait until Kamala Harris makes it impossible for our truckers to get construction materials to the building site.” 8/28/2024:  https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1828871450503369203 Article, WSJ Opinion – “JD Vance Harris Wages War on US Energy” – “Under her net-zero energy policy, Ms. Harris is committed to implementing the Environmental Protection Agency’s disastrous new mandates on power plants. Under the electric-vehicle mandates, 67% of all new vehicles sold in the U.S. would be fully electric by 2032.” 8/19/2024: https://archive.ph/ZfZ1N JD Vance, Twitter/X – “As Kamala Harris talks a big game about standing up for workers, remember that her administration wanted to fire hundreds of thousands of people for refusing the COVID shot.” 9/2/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1830789081594257585 JD Vance, Twitter/X – “To all the firefighters and first responders, especially those who lost their jobs because of Kamala’s vaccine mandate, we’re going to fight for you!” 8/29/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1829210311918055625 JD Vance, Facebook – “Join JD in his stance against vaccine mandates.” 8/27/2021: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php/?story_fbid=131562299192385&id=104487265233222 Congressional Website, S.420 Co-Sponsored – COVID-19 Vaccination Non-Discrimination Act – This bill prohibits making federal funds available to any facility that refuses to treat an individual based on the individual’s COVID-19 vaccination status, including any funding under Medicare, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).  2/14/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/420/cosponsors Congressional Website, S.J.Res 92 Co-Sponsored – A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to “New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule” 6/5/2024: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/92/cosponsors Congressional Website, S.2962 Sponsored – Drive American Act – To repeal tax incentives relating to electric vehicles, and to establish a tax credit to promote automobile manufacturing in the United States. 9/28/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2962/text JD Vance, Twitter/X – “This program is part of the wider Harris push to replace gas-powered cars with EVs.  Meanwhile, dealers are complaining that they cannot move the EV inventory they already have.” 9/9/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1833175813879128551 10. Legislation, Office of Governor Tim Walz Signature Accomplishments – “Governor Walz signed a bipartisan bill to lead Minnesota to 100% clean electricity by 2040 all while creating good-paying jobs for Minnesotans. In 2023 alone, he signed over 40 climate initiatives into law – expanding Minnesota’s electric vehicle infrastructure, and providing a tax credit for electric vehicle purchases.” 2024: https://mn.gov/governor/accomplishments/accomplishments.jsp Article, The Minnesota Star Tribune – “Minnesota adopts clean cars standard that require more electric vehicles” – “Gov. Tim Walz pushed hard…as part of his broader effort to combat the climate crisis and get Minnesota back on track to meeting greenhouse gas reduction goals…” 7/27/2021: https://www.startribune.com/minnesota-adopts-clean-cars-standard-that-require-more-electric-vehicles/600081556 Governor Website, MN Governor News Updates – “Governor Walz Announces Vaccination Requirements for State Agency Employees” – “… state agency employees will be required to show proof of vaccination or participate in regular testing before returning to the workplace.” 8/11/2021: https://mn.gov/governor/covid-19/news/?id=1055-493652 11. WATCH: Face the Nation – “Sen JD Vance on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan” – “It is accurate…the Born Alive Act, multiple members of the current Democratic administration, including our vice president, supported that legislation, they have supported taxpayer funded abortions up to the moment of birth. ” @5:45 8/11/2024: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-jd-vance-on-face-the-nation-aug-11-2024/ Congressional Website, S.204 Co-Sponsored – Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act 2/1/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/204/cosponsors 12. Congressional Website, HR.3504 VOTED AGAINST – Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act 9/18/2015: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2015506 Article, Patch News MN –  “Gov. Tim Walz and the…state House and Senate repealed the “Born Alive Infants Protection Act” in 2023, along with all other state restrictions on abortion.” 8/12/2024: https://patch.com/minnesota/across-mn/tim-walz-repealed-mn-law-protecting-babies-born-after-failed-abortions 13. JD Vance, Twitter/X – “I’ll stop calling people ‘groomers’ when they stop freaking out about bills that prevent the sexualization of my children.” 4/6/2022: https://x.com/JDVance/status/1511733003323588609 Congressional Website, S.2357 Sponsored – Protect Children’s Innocence Act – to prohibit gender-affirming care on minors, and for other purposes. 9/30/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2357/text Article, MEDIAite News – “Vance concluded ‘teachers are hiding their sexual agenda from parents.” 4/8/2022: https://www.mediaite.com/tv/tucker-carlson-asks-why-dads-arent-entering-classrooms-to-thrash-teachers-pushing-sex-values-on-kids/ WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “This came up in the state of Ohio…the Harris administration was threatening local school districts if they didn’t go along with all of the gender and transgender craziness…They were going to take away free and reduced school lunch funding…If you want your free and reduced lunch funding then you need to do what we want you to do on the transgender stuff. Timestamp 1:48:23 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “30 years ago our parents just working a normal American middle class job could afford to buy a home. They could afford to send their kids to a school where they were going to get an education and not an indoctrination.” @1:33:49 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html Congressional Website, S.J.Res. 42 VOTED FOR – A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code. Resolution submitted in response to Biden-Harris Exec Order 13988 on Title IX, directing federal agencies to review, revise, suspend, or rescind any agency policy that did not align with the admin sexual orientation and gender identity agenda. In this case, funding for school lunches could be stopped until schools complied with allowing boys in girls’ sports or girls’ bathrooms. 10/26/2023: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1181/vote_118_1_00272.htm 14. WATCH PBS Newshour – “Walz deliver remarks at Human Rights Campaign national dinner for LGBTQ+ equality” – “We banned banning books, especially banning LGBTQ books…” @15:45 9/8/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmO0WYNvVRM&t=926s Article, Them News – “Minnesota Just Passed a Law Making it Illegal for Libraries to Ban LGBTQ+ Books” – “…a new law in Minnesota will keep queer books on the shelves. Last week, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a new law banning K-12 schools, colleges, and public libraries from complying with removal requests…per its text.” 5/23/2024: https://www.them.us/story/minnesota-tim-walz-signs-book-ban-law-libraries Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “Censorship has no place in our libraries…We need to remember our history, not erase it. Today, I signed a bill into law putting an end to book bans based on ideology in Minnesota.” 5/17/2024:  https://x.com/GovTimWalz/status/1791593012415381673 Legislation, Office of the Revisor of Statutes MN Legislature – SF 3567 – Signed into law as Governor – Sec. 2. [134.51] ACCESS TO LIBRARY MATERIALS AND RIGHTS PROTECTED. Subdivision 1. Book banning prohibited. 5/15/2024: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=Senate&f=SF3567&ssn=0&y=2023 Governor Tim Walz, Facebook – “In Minnesota, we mind our own damn business. We don’t need you in the exam room. We don’t need you telling us who we can love. And we sure don’t need you attacking our teachers, students, and schools.” 8/10/2023: https://www.facebook.com/GovTimWalz/posts/in-minnesota-we-mind-our-own-damn-businesswe-dont-need-you-in-the-exam-room-we-d/860701398743324/ Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “Trump and Vance make money by gutting small towns. We look out for our neighbors. They offer no ideas or solutions. We build roads and schools. They want to ban books and outlaw reproductive health care like IVF.” 7/25/2024: https://x.com/tim_walz/status/1816658567145070862 15. Congressional Website, S.J.Res 42 VOTED FOR – A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code. Resolution submitted in response to Biden-Harris Exec Order 13988 on Title IX, directing federal agencies to review, revise, suspend, or rescind any agency policy that did not align with the admin sexual orientation and gender identity agenda. In this case, funding for school lunches could be stopped until schools complied with allowing boys in girls’ sports or girls’ bathrooms. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1181/vote_118_1_00272.htm JD Vance, Twitter/X – “This is where Kamala Harris’s ideas about gender lead: to a grown man pummeling a woman in a boxing match.” 8/1/2024: https://x.com/jdvance/status/1819085100363272282 Congressional Website, S.2357 Sponsored – Protect Children’s Innocence Act – to prohibit gender-affirming care on minors, and for other purposes. 9/30/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2357/text Congressional Website, S.613 Co-Sponsored – Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023 3/1/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/613/cosponsors WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “Why are Kamala Harris and Tim Walz focused on forcing biological males to compete against our girls in sports? It’s insane.” @1:48:13 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “30 years ago our parents just working a normal American middle-class job could afford to buy a home…send their kids to a school where they were going to get an education and not an indoctrination.” @1:33:49 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “This came up in the state of Ohio…the Harris administration was threatening local school districts if they didn’t go along with all of the gender and transgender craziness…They were going to take away free and reduced school lunch funding. That was the weapon. @1:48:23 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html 16. Legislation, Office of the Revisor of Statues, Minnesota Legislature – Gov Walz signed – Section 1. [121A.212] ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS. A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. (Free products paid for by taxpayers.) 2024: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF2497&session_year=2023&session_number=0&version=latest#:~:text=ACCESS%20TO%20MENSTRUAL%20PRODUCTS. Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “Today, I took executive action to protect access to gender-affirming health care in Minnesota.” 3/8/2023: https://x.com/govtimwalz/status/1633518124866707468 Legislation, MN Gov, Press Release – “Governor Tim Walz Signs Three Bills Protecting Minnesotans’ Rights” – “…providing gender-affirming health care in Minnesota.” 4/27/2023: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-575115 17. Congressional Website, S.62 Co-Sponsored – No Taxpayer funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2023 – 1/25/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/62/cosponsors Article, NBC News- “I wanna save as many babies as possible,” he said. “And sure, I think it’s totally reasonable to say that late-term abortions should not happen, with reasonable exceptions.” 7/16/2024: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/jd-vance-abortion-stance-rcna162086 18. Congressional Website, H.R.36 VOTED AGAINST – Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act 10/3/2017: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2017549 Congressional Website, H.R.7 VOTED AGAINST – To prohibit taxpayer funded abortions Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2015 1/22/2015: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/201545 19. Congressional Website, S.4292 Co-Sponsored – SAVE Act – This bill requires individuals to provide documentary proof of U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote in federal elections. 5/8/2024: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/4292/cosponsors Congressional Website, S.12 Co-Sponsored – A bill to prohibit the government of the District of Columbia from using Federal funds to allow individuals who are not citizens of the United States to vote in any election, and for other purposes. 1/23/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/12/cosponsors Candidate Website, ISSUES – “American Decline Was a Choice” – “Election Integrity – We need common sense measures: Voter ID, signature verification on absentee ballots, and an end to mass mail-in voting.”  8/21/2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20210825155010/https://jdvance.com/issues/ 20. Article, AFPI Fact Sheet – “Tim Walz’s Failure to Protect Voters” – “In 2023, Walz enacted Automatic Voter Registration…puts anyone applying for a driver’s license on the voter roll. Although Minnesota law says that in order to be registered to vote, the driver’s license applicant must show proof of citizenship. There is no ban in Minnesota on non-citizen voting.” 8/7/2024: https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/tim-walzs-failure-to-protect-voters Article, MPRNews – “The Republican-controlled Minnesota Senate has passed a requirement that voters show a photo ID, even though opposition from DFL Gov. Tim Walz and House majority Democrats makes it unlikely to become law this year” 5/3/2021: https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/05/03/senate-republicans-pass-voter-id-bill WATCH:  MSNBC, YouTube – “Minnesota Gov Walz Asks Fellow Democrats to Think Big When it comes to Voting Issues” – “It’s ridiculous that the John Lewis Voting Rights Act hasn’t passed” @2:45 12/29/2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8ns76RCmWs Candidate Website, Kamala Harris Issues – Protect Civil Rights and Freedom – “Vice President Harris and Governor Walz …by passing the John Lewis Voting Rights and the Freedom to Vote Acts – laws that will enshrine voting rights protections, expand vote-by-mail and early voting, and more.” 2024: https://kamalaharris.com/issues/ 21. Article, OHIO Capital Journal – “JD Vance voices opposition to Senate gun reform framework” – “From what I’ve seen of this bill, I would not support it,” Vance said. “I think the red flag laws…are a slippery slope. They also don’t solve the problem of gun violence.” 6/16/2022: https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/06/16/j-d-vance-voices-opposition-to-senate-gun-reform-framework/ Article, FOXNEWS –  “JD Vance argues to get rid of the ATF says gun registry is disarming citizens” –  “This database is ultimately a back door to a gun registry in this country… once you allow gun registry, you effectively allow the disarming of your citizenry…destroying the Second Amendment…” 2/4/2022: https://archive.ph/60Rcp Article, abcNews – “The thing that I don’t like is when you create a new background check system with new sets of regulations that go after law-abiding citizens.” 8/16/2024: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/claim-2nd-amendment-stalwarts-vp-candidates-walz-vance/story?id=112799264 Article, The Columbus Dispatch – JD Vance – “Biden ‘unholy alliance’ coming for our guns…”  “…uninterested in people’s rights or whether gun seizures even work…argued that the Second Amendment doesn’t even apply to handguns, something that would have surely surprised our handgun-owning founding fathers.” 7/20/2021: https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/guest/2021/07/20/jd-vance-biden-unholy-alliance-coming-our-guns-other-cherished-american-liberties-next/8025533002/ Congressional Website, S. 2911 Co-Sponsored – Protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act of 2023 – To prohibit the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services from declaring certain emergencies or disasters for the purpose of imposing gun control. 9/21/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2911/cosponsors Article, Duke Center for Firearms Law – “Where do Donald Trump’s Potential Running Mates Stand on the Second Amendment and Gun Policy” – Vance …in his view of ‘the red flag laws’…they also don’t solve the problem of gun violence.” – “Vance has focused on “inner-city crime” and insufficiently aggressive law enforcement. Vance expressed support for lowering the required training for Ohio teachers to carry concealed firearms in the classroom.” 5/22/2024: https://firearmslaw.duke.edu/2024/05/where-do-donald-trumps-potential-running-mates-stand-on-the-second-amendment-and-gun-policy Article, FOXNEWS – “And if you look at what liberals have done in Europe, what they’ve done in Australia, once you allow gun registry, you effectively allow the disarming of your citizenry…destroying the Second Amendment,” 2/4/2022: https://archive.ph/60Rcp#selection-1799.75-1799.302 22. Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “I know basic gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment. It’s about keeping guns out of the wrong hands for the safety of our kids. With our new red flag law, that’s exactly what we’re doing in Minnesota.” 1/2/2024: https://x.com/govtimwalz/status/1742349557147595111 Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “As of January 1, Minnesota has a red flag law to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a known, serious risk to themselves or others…strengthened background checks…” 1/2/2024: https://x.com/govtimwalz/status/1742268734163571153 Governor Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “I’m not going to let anyone hide behind thoughts and prayers, when what we need is action…we’re going to pass universal background checks and a red flag law…I’m going to sign it into law.” 4/25/2023: https://x.com/govtimwalz/status/1651028217879482368 Legislation, MN Gov Press Release – “Gov Walz Signs Historic Gun Safety Measures Into Law” – Signed “red flag laws” and “universal background checks” 5/19/2023: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-578396 Article, TIME – ”Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues” – “He signed several gun-control measures into law, expanding universal background checks to private party transfers of pistols and semiautomatic weapons, as well as creating a “red flag” law”  8/6/2024: https://time.com/7008402/tim-walz-policy-positions-abortion-guns-immigration/ Article, abcNEWS – “He (Walz) said that during his time in Congress, he supported “common-sense” gun-control reform laws, repeatedly voted in favor of universal background checks and preventing people on no-fly lists from purchasing firearms. He was a co-sponsor of a bill to ban bump stocks and voted against concealed-carry reciprocity.” 8/16/2024: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/claim-2nd-amendment-stalwarts-vp-candidates-walz-vance/story?id=112799264 Congressional Website, HR 5087 Co-Sponsored – Assault Weapons Ban of 2018 – amends the federal criminal code to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) or large capacity ammunition feeding device (LCAFD). 3/20/2018: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5087/cosponsors Fmr. Rep.Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “This week I am joining 139 of my colleagues to introduce a commonsense ban on military-style assault weapons.” 2/26/2018: https://x.com/RepTimWalz/status/968185938361966603 Fmr. Rep.Tim Walz, Twitter/X – “I applaud the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force… bring commonsense gun safety legislation like background checks, CDC research & an assault weapons ban to the floor.” 3/1/2018: https://x.com/RepTimWalz/status/969239271847718912 WATCH: KSTP 5 Eyewitness News – “Gov Walz discusses new penalties for making straw purchases of firearms” – “It shows a continued commitment that we have put into place whether it be, red flag, extreme risk protection orders…we have issued 71 of those.” @4:08 8/1/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC_8FpQ9Tzw 23. Congressional Website, S.2797 Co-Sponsored – Protecting Conscience in Our Health Care Act – To ensure religious freedom and rights of conscience for health care workers and other government employees  9/13/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2797/cosponsorss Congressional Website, S.J.Res 36 Co-Sponsored – A joint resolution for congressional disapproval…Rescission of Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Opportunity Clause’s Religious Exemption Rule 6/22/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/36/cosponsors Article, MISSION: AMERICA – “JD Vance Says He Would Vote “NO’ On Same Sex Marriage” – He replied, “I would vote no on that legislation,” and believes “the religious liberty piece of this is very bad.” 7/26/2022: https://www.missionamerica.com/article/jd-vance-says-he-would-vote-no-on-same-sex-marriage/ 24. Congressional Website, H.R.2282 Co-Sponsored – Equality Act – Would impact businesses, such as florists, photographers, venue owners, and bakers, who would be required to participate in same-sex weddings or gender transition celebrations. 6/2/2017: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/2282/cosponsors Tim Walz, Twitter, X – “Proud to see Congress pass the EqualityAct, extending long overdue civil rights protections for our LGBTQ community.” 2/25/2021: https://x.com/tim_walz/status/1365088266366681089 Candidate Website, Kamala Harris & Gov. Walz – Protect Civil Rights and Freedoms – “As President, she’ll fight to pass the Equality Act to enshrine anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQI+ Americans in health care, housing, education, and more into law. 2024: https://kamalaharris.com/issues// 25. WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “She (Kamala Harris) was bailing out the people who were attacking police officers and burning down a great American city.” @1:18:23 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “…she says she doesn’t want to defund the police even though she supported those policies but then she goes and picks a VP nominee who allowed rioters to burn Minneapolis to the ground. @1:41:23 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” – “She said she wanted to defund the police…and now she says she doesn’t. She wanted to ban fracking and now she says she doesn’t. She was the border czar who open the American southern border but now all of a sudden she says she believes in border security.” @1:16:06 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html 26. Governor Website, Press Release – “Gov Walz, House, Senate Leaders Announce Police Accountability and Reform Legislative Priorities” – pairs officers with social worker when responding to crisis calls and welfare checks, and prohibiting choke holds and other forms of restraint and the use of warrior-style training. 6/11/2020: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-435658#/detail/appId/1/id/435658 Minnesota Senate – “Review of Lawlessness and Government Responses to Minnesota’s 2020 Riots” – “Governor Walz failed to mobilize or deploy the Minnesota National Guard and did not acknowledge the City of Minneapolis’s request for their assistance” (Page 28), October 2020. Article, Star Tribune – “Now Frey is speaking out, saying Gov. Tim Walz failed to take his requests for help seriously until it was too late. In an interview Monday, Frey said that Walz hesitated to send in the National Guard to quell the growing violence and then blamed him for allowing the city to burn. ‘Through an extremely difficult situation, I told the truth,’ Frey said Monday. ‘I relayed information as best I could to state partners. And we did what was demanded for the sake of our city'” 8/20/20. 27. Charlie Kirk, Twitter/X – JD Vance on Tim Walz policy – “[Walz] signed legislation. He supported legislation that would take children away from their parents if their parents don’t want to do sex changes. How would you…define that as anything other than kidnapping?” @1:42 9/4/2024: https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1831502991943463069 WATCH: Forbes Breaking News, YouTube- Turning Point event  – “Charlie Kirk asks: “Tim Walz signed a piece of legislation…these are called trans sanctuary state laws….effectively it is medical kidnapping….the state has the ability to take possession and custody of your minor if you as the parent do not affirm the new gender they might of learned at school or on TikTok.” JD Vance: “That’s exactly right.” @0:06 9/5/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d14L4RcrEiw Article, Cleveland News – “JD Vance proposed federal ban on gender transition care for minors” – “…he’s introduced legislation that would make providing ‘gender-affirming care’ to minors a federal Class C felony, punishable with a prison sentence of 10 to 25 years.” 7/18/2023: https://www.cleveland.com/news/2023/07/jd-vance-proposes-federal-ban-on-gender-transition-care-for-minors.html WATCH: Rumble – “The Charlie Kirk Show Chase the Vote LIVE featuring JD Vance” –  “He (Tim Walz) signed legislation…he supported legislation that would take children away from parents if their parents don’t do sex changes.”@1:42 9/4/2024: https://rumble.com/v5do7p1-chase-the-vote-live-featuring-senator-j.-d.-vance-and-charlie-kirk.html 28. Legislation, Office of Revisor of Statutes MN Legislature – Signed into law HF146 – “A bill for an act relating to children; …amending child custody and child welfare provisions related to out-of-state laws interfering in the use of gender-affirming health care” 4/27/2023: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/bill.php?b=House&f=HF146&y=2024&ssn=0 Article, National Review – “Tim Walz signed bill (April 2023) making Minnesota a Sanctuary State for Child Sex Changes” –  “…promoting tourism for such radical medical interventions in defiance of states that restrict them.” 8/6/2024: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/tim-walz-signed-bill-making-minnesota-a-sanctuary-state-for-child-sex-changes/ Legislation, MN Governor Press Release – “Governor Walz Signs Three Bills Protecting Minnesotans Rights” – “Governor Tim Walz today signed bills…protecting people seeking or providing gender-affirming health care in Minnesota.” 4/27/2023: https://mn.gov/governor/newsroom/press-releases/?id=1055-575115