Border Czar’s Big Response To Democrats Over Deportation Plans
“Get The Hell Out Of The Way” – New Border Czar Tom Homan Responds To Democrats Who Want To Block His Deportation Plans
Incoming border czar Tom Homan warned liberal governors to “get the Hell out of the way” amid a new alliance to prevent raids on illegal immigrants.
Blue state leaders have created the “Governors Safeguarding Democracy” (GSD) alliance in the wake of Donald Trump’s election. The new coalition gained attention when Gov. of Illinois J.B. Pritzker said the prospect of red state National Guard troops carrying out deportation raids in Democrat areas was “just not something we’re going accept.”
Homan responded to the ongoing discontent among Democrat Governors in an interview with Fox News. The former police officer said, “We’re at a situation now where the cops – the ones who want to enforce the law – are the bad guys, but the ones who break the law? They’re the victims.”
Click here to read this article in full on WokeSpy.

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