Let’s hear from your candidates running for the U.S. Senate for Montana.

Jon Tester (D)

Tim Sheehy (R)
- Cut government regulations & spending to bring down cost of goods for citizens.
Congressional Website, H.R.5376 – Voted for “Inflation Reduction Act” 8/4/2022: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00325.htm
Congressional Website, H.R.1319 – Voted for “American Rescue Plan Act” – 3/11/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1319
Jon Tester Candidate Website “Billings Gazette: Tester Backs Israel-Ukraine Aide…” 2/13/2024: https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/news-coverage/billings-gazette-tester-backs-israel-ukraine-aid-daines-doesnt/
Jon Tester Candidate Website “Billings Gazette: Tester Fields Questions and Climate Change, Gun Control and More at Town Hall Meeting in Billings” “I think the bigger issue here…in the world…is climate change.” 10/4/2019: https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/news-coverage/hl-7050/
Tim Sheehy U.S. Senate Campaign Website – Economy & Energy “…repeal the new EPA job-killing energy regulations…” “…stand against the disastrous socialist Green New Deal…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “I will work to end the out-of-control spending and the disastrous economic policies …crushing Montana families and small businesses.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “We need to embrace commonsense policies that benefit the economy and environment simultaneously. Its time to make America energy independent again…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “Tim Sheehy, in his own words” “He…attacked the
Biden-Era SEC and Federal Trade Commission for requiring public companies to disclose information about…climate change on their businesses.” 4/26/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/04/26/montana-senate-candidate-tim-sheehy-in-his-own-words/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…Tester was the deciding vote for Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act” 11/27/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1729331368461545592
Tim Sheehy U.S. Senate Campaign Website – Economy & Energy “…reckless policies have given us record high inflation, rising grocery prices, and high energy costs.” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press “Tester and Sheehy have a first debate” “…”a ‘slap in the face’ to American’s that sent billions abroad…” 6/9/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/06/09/montana-senate-candidates-tester-sheehy-first-debate/
WATCH: C-Span – Montana U.S. Senate Debate “We need to unleash American energy and make America a net exporter…” @23:03 6/9/2024: https://www.c-span.org/video/?536243-1/montana-us-senate-debate
- Fund sanctuary cities. Help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. Fly up to 30,000 migrants per month into U.S. communities.
Congressional Website, SJ Res54 “A joint resolution relating to a national emergency declared by the President” Voted to remove emergency declaration. 10/17/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00325.htm
Congressional Website, HJ Res46 – Vote to overturn President Trump’s Emergency Declaration for border wall funding. Voted Yes. 3/14/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00049.htm
Congressional Website, S.Amdt. 1948 to S. Amdt. 1959 to H.R. 2579 – Broader Options for Americans Act – Voted against. 2/15/2018: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1152/vote_115_2_00034.htm
Congressional Website, S.3100 – Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Act. – Voted against 7/6/2016: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1142/vote_114_2_00119.htm
Congressional Website, S. 2146 – Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act – Voted against – 10/20/2015: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1141/vote_114_1_00280.htm
Congressional Website, H.R. 2882 – Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 – Voted against – on Hagerty Amendment 11/15/2023: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1182/vote_118_2_00112.htm
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Tester…allowed hard-earned tax dollars to go to illegal immigrants…That’s American Last.” 6/18/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1803223586418913617
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “How the heck do we have illegal immigrants being out ahead of American veterans” 12/1/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1730765181888975180
Tim Sheehy US Senate Campaign Website, Border Security “We need to take a strong stand and secure our border…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim, Sheehy, Twitter/X –“Jon Tester chose playing politics…voting for Biden-Tester Bogus Bill” 5/23/2024: https://twitter.com/SheehyforMT/status/1793810199326683359
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “As senator, I will work to end illegal immigration once and for all” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “We must stop incentivizing illegal immigration and restore President Trump’s successful policies of Remain in Mexico and ending Catch and Release.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “The senate voted to continue secret migrant flights to communities across the country by one vote – yours” (referring to Tester) 4/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1778512324359344618
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…@JonTester opened our borders and spent our tax dollars to put illegal immigrants up in fancy hotel rooms…it’s outrageous.” 7/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1811482835955687457
- Protect drilling & fracking to bring down prices & create jobs. Government must support domestic industries rather than outsourcing.
Congressional Website, S.Amdt.68 toS.Con.Res.5 – Voted for – “To establish deficit neutral reserve fund …with regard to the Keystone XL pipeline…” 2/4/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00032.htm
Jon Tester Candidate Website, ENERGY – “…he (Tester) broke with his own party…to support the Keystone XL Pipeline Project…” 2024: https://www.tester.senate.gov/about/issues/energy/
ARTICLE, GOP BLOG – “…Tester pumps the brakes on the Keystone XL Pipeline” 3/8/2021: https://gop.com/blog/icymi-shotchaser-tester-pumps-the-brakes-on-the-keystone-xl-pipeline/
Congressional Website, H.R.1319 – American Rescue Plan Act 2021 – Voted against this motion to commit 3/6/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00108.htm
ARTICLE, Sean Hannity Media – “DEMS for Drilling Manchin, Tester break with Party…”
3/9/2022: https://hannity.com/media-room/dems-for-drilling-manchin-tester-break-with-party-we-need-to-step-up-u-s-oil-cleaner-than-anybody/
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – “We’ve got to ramp up energy production…we should be doing it domestically…Let’s strengthen America and create jobs here at home.” 3/9/2022: https://x.com/SenatorTester/status/1501686545434263559
Congressional Website, S.Amdt. 833 to S.Con.Res.5 – Voted for an amendment that would prohibit fracking from being banned. 2/4/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00028.htm
Tim Sheehy U.S. Senate Candidate Website, Economy & Energy – “We must repeal EPA job-killing energy regulations…preventing us from being energy independent.” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “As senator, I will work to…unleash American energy…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy states, “We must also started taking advantage of our abundant natural resources…while growing our economy right here in Montana.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy states, “We must stand strong against the radical climate cult agenda that senselessly kills Montana jobs…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
WATCH: Fox Business video – “We need government that supports US Industries: Tim Sheehy” @1:25 6/21/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1GERK0x18&t=92s
WATCH: Fox Business video – “…we need that cheap power from Colstrip to run our mines…Biden administration has made coal an enemy of the American people…’ 6/21/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1GERK0x18
- Citizens should pay for healthcare & housing for illegal immigrants & refugees.
Congressional Website, S.Amdt.614 to S.Con.Res.8 – Voted against – “To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to achieve savings by prohibiting illegal immigrants…from qualifying for federally subsidized health care.” 3/23/2013: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes1131/vote_113_1_00077.htm
OTHER, United States Senate Committee on the Budget Press Release – “Senate Democrats Vote to Give Free Healthcare and Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants…” Voted against. “…the amendment to ensure that illegal immigrants cannot access free and taxpayer funded health care…” 3/23/2013: https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/senate-democrats-vote-to-give-free-healthcare-and-obamacare-to-illegal-immigrants-as-part-of-immigration-reform
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “These are hard times…but instead of helping Montanans…spent our tax dollars to put illegal immigrants up in fancy hotel room.” 7/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1811482835955687457
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – ”Tester has a record…dollars go to illegal immigrants…free health care…sending checks to illegals. That’s America Last” 6/18/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1803223586418913617
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…illegal immigrants being put ahead of American Veterans…in the line for healthcare…” 12/1/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1730765181888975180
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy states, “…Stop incentivizing illegal immigration…We can’t keep spending billions on handouts for illegals…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
- Support COVID-19 vaccine mandates for certain groups. Phase out gas cars to force transition to electric.
Congressional Website, H.R.5376 – Voted for “Inflation Reduction Act”– 8/6/2022:
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “Sheehy’s political positions at the forefront during ‘America First’ town hall” – Sheehy’s Bridger Aerospace was required to vaccinate its employees…until the Biden Administration ended the mandate. …” 8/4/2023: https://montanafreepress.org/2023/08/04/sheehys-political-positions-at-forefront-during-america-first-town-hall/
WATCH Fox Business video – “…or whether its EV mandates, what we are seeing is a war on the American economy.” @:40 6/21/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1GERK0x18
- Babies born alive after surviving a failed abortion attempt have the right to life-saving medical care.
Congressional Website, S.311 – Voted against “Born-alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” 2/25/2020: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00058.htm
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy stated, “I am proudly pro-life and support commonsense protections for when a baby can feel pain.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, News Medical Life Sciences – Sheehy stated, “Elective abortions up to and including moment of birth…that’s what Jon Tester…voted for.” 6/9/2024: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240709/GOPe28099s-Tim-Sheehy-revives-discredited-abortion-claims-in-pivotal-senate-race.aspx
- Allow males identifying as females in female sports.
Congressional Website, S.Amdt.1386 to S.Amdt.891 to HR.1319 – Voted against “American Rescue Plan Act 2021”
Candidate Website, Tim Sheehy US Senate – “…need to get politics out of the classroom and end the woke social agenda…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Tester voted…let men compete in girls’ sports…It’s wrong for Montana.” 3/27/2024: https://twitter.com/sheehyformt/status/1773171612486902217
Tim, Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Men in women’s sports is insane…just plain wrong.” 4/1/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1819111725205192900
- Bring gender education programs, such as "drag story hour," into grade schools.
Congressional Website, S.393 – “Equality Act” Co-Sponsored. Would extend Title IV…to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. 2/23/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/393/cosponsors
Candidate Website, Tim Sheehy US Senate – “…need to get politics out of the classroom…end the woke social agenda…stop drag queen story time…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…liberal school board covered up the actions of a deranged transgender ‘female’ who sexually assaulted…” 9/10/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1700909130620580031
- Women have a right to abort their babies through the 9th month. Taxpayers pay for abortions.
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – “I will vote to codify the protections of Roe v. Wade…” 5/11/2022: https://twitter.com/senatortester/status/1524388141163069440
Congressional Website, S.2311 – Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – Voted against 1/29/2018: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/2311
Congressional Website, HR 3755 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 – Voted for Cloture 2/28/2022: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00065.htm
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “Tester and Sheehy have first debate” Tester stated, “…defense of women’s right to decide the issue for themselves…this freedom is on the line this election.” 6/9/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/06/09/montana-senate-candidates-tester-sheehy-first-debate/
Congressional Website, S701 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2023 Co-sponsor – Voted for. No restrictions on abortion 3/9/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/701/cosponsors
Congressional Website, S1881 – A bill to prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America – Voted against 8/3/2015: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1141/vote_114_1_00262.htm
ARTICLE, Montana Public Radio News – “Tim Sheehy, Republican Candidate for US Senate” “I am proudly pro-life…support common sense protections for when the baby feels pain.” ” 5/15/2024 – https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2024-05-15/q-a-tim-sheehy-republican-candidate-for-u-s-senate
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy stated, “…allowing an elective abortion up until the moment of birth is extreme…Jon Tester and the Democrats have voted for…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press “Tester and Sheehy have first debate” Sheehy stated, “…the vast majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funded abortions ‘up to and including the moment of birth.” 6/9/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/06/09/montana-senate-candidates-tester-sheehy-first-debate/
ARTICLE, News Medical Life Science – “…elective abortions…killed at the moment of birth…Jon Tester and Democrats have voted for.” 7/9/2024: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240709/GOPe28099s-Tim-Sheehy-revives-discredited-abortion-claims-in-pivotal-senate-race.aspx
- Require proof of citizenship to vote.
Congressional Website, S.4 – John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 Co-sponsored – Voting ID laws…considered discriminatory. 11/3/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4/cosponsors
Congressional Website, S.1 – Freedom to Vote Act – – Co-sponsored – 7/25/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/1/cosponsors
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Jon Tester has fought…to make illegal aliens into voting citizens.” 2/12/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1757259650171621476
- The United States should support Israel as one of our closest allies.
Congressional Website, S.Res.417 – A resolution standing with Israel against terrorism – Voted for – 10/19/2023: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1181/vote_118_1_00261.htm
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “We must stand with Israel…” 4/13/2024: https://x.com/sheehyformt/status/1779264543614550438
- Government may take guns from law-abiding citizens via bans or mandatory buybacks.
Congressional Website, S.2938 – Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – Red Flag laws…Voted for. – 12/1/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00242.htm
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – Tester stated, “…mental health care to background checks…” 6/8/2022: https://x.com/SenatorTester/status/1534643147191500803
Jon Tester Senate Website News – “…gun control legislation…for criminal and mental health background checks…at gun shows and online.” 10/4/2019: https://x.com/senatortester/status/1364301110392029190
Tim Sheehy, US Senate Candidate Website – GUN RIGHTS – Sheehy stated, “I will fight back…radical gun control agenda that threatens our Second Amendment rights.” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – Sheehy stated, “I will never back down…the radical left is trying to take away our 2A rights.” 6/3/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1797744246705004773
- Allow private businessowners to opt out of providing services that would violate their faith.
Congressional Website, S.393 – Equality Act – Co-sponsored – “…required to participate in same-sex weddings or gender transition celebrations.”2/23/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/393/cosponsors
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – 2/23/2021: Tester stated, “equal protection…no matter who they are or who they love…ensures LGBTQ+ folks are protected from discrimination…pass it now.” https://x.com/senatortester/status/1364301110392029190
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – Sheehy stated, “Our first amendment…is enshrined in our constitution…protect religious freedoms so that Americans are free to follow their faith.” 6/30/2023: https://x.com/sheehyformt/status/1674853014476029963

Jon Tester (D)

Tim Sheehy (R)
- Cut government regulations & spending to bring down cost of goods for citizens.
Congressional Website, H.R.5376 – Voted for “Inflation Reduction Act” 8/4/2022: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00325.htm
Congressional Website, H.R.1319 – Voted for “American Rescue Plan Act” – 3/11/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/1319
Jon Tester Candidate Website “Billings Gazette: Tester Backs Israel-Ukraine Aide…” 2/13/2024: https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/news-coverage/billings-gazette-tester-backs-israel-ukraine-aid-daines-doesnt/
Jon Tester Candidate Website “Billings Gazette: Tester Fields Questions and Climate Change, Gun Control and More at Town Hall Meeting in Billings” “I think the bigger issue here…in the world…is climate change.” 10/4/2019: https://www.tester.senate.gov/newsroom/news-coverage/hl-7050/
Tim Sheehy U.S. Senate Campaign Website – Economy & Energy “…repeal the new EPA job-killing energy regulations…” “…stand against the disastrous socialist Green New Deal…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “I will work to end the out-of-control spending and the disastrous economic policies …crushing Montana families and small businesses.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “We need to embrace commonsense policies that benefit the economy and environment simultaneously. Its time to make America energy independent again…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “Tim Sheehy, in his own words” “He…attacked the
Biden-Era SEC and Federal Trade Commission for requiring public companies to disclose information about…climate change on their businesses.” 4/26/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/04/26/montana-senate-candidate-tim-sheehy-in-his-own-words/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…Tester was the deciding vote for Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act” 11/27/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1729331368461545592
Tim Sheehy U.S. Senate Campaign Website – Economy & Energy “…reckless policies have given us record high inflation, rising grocery prices, and high energy costs.” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press “Tester and Sheehy have a first debate” “…”a ‘slap in the face’ to American’s that sent billions abroad…” 6/9/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/06/09/montana-senate-candidates-tester-sheehy-first-debate/
WATCH: C-Span – Montana U.S. Senate Debate “We need to unleash American energy and make America a net exporter…” @23:03 6/9/2024: https://www.c-span.org/video/?536243-1/montana-us-senate-debate
- Fund sanctuary cities. Help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. Fly up to 30,000 migrants per month into U.S. communities.
Congressional Website, SJ Res54 “A joint resolution relating to a national emergency declared by the President” Voted to remove emergency declaration. 10/17/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00325.htm
Congressional Website, HJ Res46 – Vote to overturn President Trump’s Emergency Declaration for border wall funding. Voted Yes. 3/14/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00049.htm
Congressional Website, S.Amdt. 1948 to S. Amdt. 1959 to H.R. 2579 – Broader Options for Americans Act – Voted against. 2/15/2018: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1152/vote_115_2_00034.htm
Congressional Website, S.3100 – Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Act. – Voted against 7/6/2016: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1142/vote_114_2_00119.htm
Congressional Website, S. 2146 – Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act – Voted against – 10/20/2015: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1141/vote_114_1_00280.htm
Congressional Website, H.R. 2882 – Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 – Voted against – on Hagerty Amendment 11/15/2023: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1182/vote_118_2_00112.htm
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Tester…allowed hard-earned tax dollars to go to illegal immigrants…That’s American Last.” 6/18/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1803223586418913617
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “How the heck do we have illegal immigrants being out ahead of American veterans” 12/1/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1730765181888975180
Tim Sheehy US Senate Campaign Website, Border Security “We need to take a strong stand and secure our border…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim, Sheehy, Twitter/X –“Jon Tester chose playing politics…voting for Biden-Tester Bogus Bill” 5/23/2024: https://twitter.com/SheehyforMT/status/1793810199326683359
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “As senator, I will work to end illegal immigration once and for all” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “We must stop incentivizing illegal immigration and restore President Trump’s successful policies of Remain in Mexico and ending Catch and Release.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “The senate voted to continue secret migrant flights to communities across the country by one vote – yours” (referring to Tester) 4/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1778512324359344618
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…@JonTester opened our borders and spent our tax dollars to put illegal immigrants up in fancy hotel rooms…it’s outrageous.” 7/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1811482835955687457
- Fund sanctuary cities. Help illegal immigrants avoid deportation. Fly up to 30,000 migrants per month into U.S. communities.
Congressional Website, SJ Res54 “A joint resolution relating to a national emergency declared by the President” Voted to remove emergency declaration. 10/17/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00325.htm
Congressional Website, HJ Res46 – Vote to overturn President Trump’s Emergency Declaration for border wall funding. Voted Yes. 3/14/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00049.htm
Congressional Website, S.Amdt. 1948 to S. Amdt. 1959 to H.R. 2579 – Broader Options for Americans Act – Voted against. 2/15/2018: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1152/vote_115_2_00034.htm
Congressional Website, S.3100 – Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Act. – Voted against 7/6/2016: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1142/vote_114_2_00119.htm
Congressional Website, S. 2146 – Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act – Voted against – 10/20/2015: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1141/vote_114_1_00280.htm
Congressional Website, H.R. 2882 – Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 – Voted against – on Hagerty Amendment 11/15/2023: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1182/vote_118_2_00112.htm
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Tester…allowed hard-earned tax dollars to go to illegal immigrants…That’s American Last.” 6/18/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1803223586418913617
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “How the heck do we have illegal immigrants being out ahead of American veterans” 12/1/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1730765181888975180
Tim Sheehy US Senate Campaign Website, Border Security “We need to take a strong stand and secure our border…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim, Sheehy, Twitter/X –“Jon Tester chose playing politics…voting for Biden-Tester Bogus Bill” 5/23/2024: https://twitter.com/SheehyforMT/status/1793810199326683359
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “As senator, I will work to end illegal immigration once and for all” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “We must stop incentivizing illegal immigration and restore President Trump’s successful policies of Remain in Mexico and ending Catch and Release.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “The senate voted to continue secret migrant flights to communities across the country by one vote – yours” (referring to Tester) 4/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1778512324359344618
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…@JonTester opened our borders and spent our tax dollars to put illegal immigrants up in fancy hotel rooms…it’s outrageous.” 7/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1811482835955687457
- Protect drilling & fracking to bring down prices & create jobs. Government must support domestic industries rather than outsourcing.
Congressional Website, S.Amdt.68 toS.Con.Res.5 – Voted for – “To establish deficit neutral reserve fund …with regard to the Keystone XL pipeline…” 2/4/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00032.htm
Jon Tester Candidate Website, ENERGY – “…he (Tester) broke with his own party…to support the Keystone XL Pipeline Project…” 2024: https://www.tester.senate.gov/about/issues/energy/
ARTICLE, GOP BLOG – “…Tester pumps the brakes on the Keystone XL Pipeline” 3/8/2021: https://gop.com/blog/icymi-shotchaser-tester-pumps-the-brakes-on-the-keystone-xl-pipeline/
Congressional Website, H.R.1319 – American Rescue Plan Act 2021 – Voted against this motion to commit 3/6/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00108.htm
ARTICLE, Sean Hannity Media – “DEMS for Drilling Manchin, Tester break with Party…”
3/9/2022: https://hannity.com/media-room/dems-for-drilling-manchin-tester-break-with-party-we-need-to-step-up-u-s-oil-cleaner-than-anybody/
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – “We’ve got to ramp up energy production…we should be doing it domestically…Let’s strengthen America and create jobs here at home.” 3/9/2022: https://x.com/SenatorTester/status/1501686545434263559
Congressional Website, S.Amdt. 833 to S.Con.Res.5 – Voted for an amendment that would prohibit fracking from being banned. 2/4/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00028.htm
Tim Sheehy U.S. Senate Candidate Website, Economy & Energy – “We must repeal EPA job-killing energy regulations…preventing us from being energy independent.” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “As senator, I will work to…unleash American energy…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy states, “We must also started taking advantage of our abundant natural resources…while growing our economy right here in Montana.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy states, “We must stand strong against the radical climate cult agenda that senselessly kills Montana jobs…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
WATCH: Fox Business video – “We need government that supports US Industries: Tim Sheehy” @1:25 6/21/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1GERK0x18&t=92s
WATCH: Fox Business video – “…we need that cheap power from Colstrip to run our mines…Biden administration has made coal an enemy of the American people…’ 6/21/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1GERK0x18
- Citizens should pay for healthcare & housing for illegal immigrants & refugees.
Congressional Website, S.Amdt.614 to S.Con.Res.8 – Voted against – “To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund to achieve savings by prohibiting illegal immigrants…from qualifying for federally subsidized health care.” 3/23/2013: http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes1131/vote_113_1_00077.htm
OTHER, United States Senate Committee on the Budget Press Release – “Senate Democrats Vote to Give Free Healthcare and Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants…” Voted against. “…the amendment to ensure that illegal immigrants cannot access free and taxpayer funded health care…” 3/23/2013: https://www.budget.senate.gov/chairman/newsroom/press/senate-democrats-vote-to-give-free-healthcare-and-obamacare-to-illegal-immigrants-as-part-of-immigration-reform
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “These are hard times…but instead of helping Montanans…spent our tax dollars to put illegal immigrants up in fancy hotel room.” 7/11/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1811482835955687457
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – ”Tester has a record…dollars go to illegal immigrants…free health care…sending checks to illegals. That’s America Last” 6/18/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1803223586418913617
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…illegal immigrants being put ahead of American Veterans…in the line for healthcare…” 12/1/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1730765181888975180
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy states, “…Stop incentivizing illegal immigration…We can’t keep spending billions on handouts for illegals…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
- Support COVID-19 vaccine mandates for certain groups. Phase out gas cars to force transition to electric.
Congressional Website, H.R.5376 – Voted for “Inflation Reduction Act”– 8/6/2022:
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “Sheehy’s political positions at the forefront during ‘America First’ town hall” – Sheehy’s Bridger Aerospace was required to vaccinate its employees…until the Biden Administration ended the mandate. …” 8/4/2023: https://montanafreepress.org/2023/08/04/sheehys-political-positions-at-forefront-during-america-first-town-hall/
WATCH Fox Business video – “…or whether its EV mandates, what we are seeing is a war on the American economy.” @:40 6/21/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1GERK0x18
- Babies born alive after surviving a failed abortion attempt have the right to life-saving medical care.
Congressional Website, S.311 – Voted against “Born-alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” 2/25/2020: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1162/vote_116_2_00058.htm
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy stated, “I am proudly pro-life and support commonsense protections for when a baby can feel pain.” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, News Medical Life Sciences – Sheehy stated, “Elective abortions up to and including moment of birth…that’s what Jon Tester…voted for.” 6/9/2024: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240709/GOPe28099s-Tim-Sheehy-revives-discredited-abortion-claims-in-pivotal-senate-race.aspx
- Allow males identifying as females in female sports.
Congressional Website, S.Amdt.1386 to S.Amdt.891 to HR.1319 – Voted against “American Rescue Plan Act 2021”
Candidate Website, Tim Sheehy US Senate – “…need to get politics out of the classroom and end the woke social agenda…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Tester voted…let men compete in girls’ sports…It’s wrong for Montana.” 3/27/2024: https://twitter.com/sheehyformt/status/1773171612486902217
Tim, Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Men in women’s sports is insane…just plain wrong.” 4/1/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1819111725205192900
- Bring gender education programs, such as "drag story hour," into grade schools.
Congressional Website, S.393 – “Equality Act” Co-Sponsored. Would extend Title IV…to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. 2/23/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/393/cosponsors
Candidate Website, Tim Sheehy US Senate – “…need to get politics out of the classroom…end the woke social agenda…stop drag queen story time…” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “…liberal school board covered up the actions of a deranged transgender ‘female’ who sexually assaulted…” 9/10/2023: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1700909130620580031
- Women have a right to abort their babies through the 9th month. Taxpayers pay for abortions.
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – “I will vote to codify the protections of Roe v. Wade…” 5/11/2022: https://twitter.com/senatortester/status/1524388141163069440
Congressional Website, S.2311 – Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act – Voted against 1/29/2018: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/2311
Congressional Website, HR 3755 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 – Voted for Cloture 2/28/2022: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00065.htm
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – “Tester and Sheehy have first debate” Tester stated, “…defense of women’s right to decide the issue for themselves…this freedom is on the line this election.” 6/9/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/06/09/montana-senate-candidates-tester-sheehy-first-debate/
Congressional Website, S701 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2023 Co-sponsor – Voted for. No restrictions on abortion 3/9/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/701/cosponsors
Congressional Website, S1881 – A bill to prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America – Voted against 8/3/2015: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1141/vote_114_1_00262.htm
ARTICLE, Montana Public Radio News – “Tim Sheehy, Republican Candidate for US Senate” “I am proudly pro-life…support common sense protections for when the baby feels pain.” ” 5/15/2024 – https://www.mtpr.org/montana-news/2024-05-15/q-a-tim-sheehy-republican-candidate-for-u-s-senate
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press – Sheehy stated, “…allowing an elective abortion up until the moment of birth is extreme…Jon Tester and the Democrats have voted for…” 8/22/2024: https://apps.montanafreepress.org/election-guide-2024/candidates/tim-sheehy/
ARTICLE, Montana Free Press “Tester and Sheehy have first debate” Sheehy stated, “…the vast majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funded abortions ‘up to and including the moment of birth.” 6/9/2024: https://montanafreepress.org/2024/06/09/montana-senate-candidates-tester-sheehy-first-debate/
ARTICLE, News Medical Life Science – “…elective abortions…killed at the moment of birth…Jon Tester and Democrats have voted for.” 7/9/2024: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240709/GOPe28099s-Tim-Sheehy-revives-discredited-abortion-claims-in-pivotal-senate-race.aspx
- Require proof of citizenship to vote.
Congressional Website, S.4 – John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 Co-sponsored – Voting ID laws…considered discriminatory. 11/3/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4/cosponsors
Congressional Website, S.1 – Freedom to Vote Act – – Co-sponsored – 7/25/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/1/cosponsors
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “Jon Tester has fought…to make illegal aliens into voting citizens.” 2/12/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1757259650171621476
- The United States should support Israel as one of our closest allies.
Congressional Website, S.Res.417 – A resolution standing with Israel against terrorism – Voted for – 10/19/2023: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1181/vote_118_1_00261.htm
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – “We must stand with Israel…” 4/13/2024: https://x.com/sheehyformt/status/1779264543614550438
- Government may take guns from law-abiding citizens via bans or mandatory buybacks.
Congressional Website, S.2938 – Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – Red Flag laws…Voted for. – 12/1/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00242.htm
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – Tester stated, “…mental health care to background checks…” 6/8/2022: https://x.com/SenatorTester/status/1534643147191500803
Jon Tester Senate Website News – “…gun control legislation…for criminal and mental health background checks…at gun shows and online.” 10/4/2019: https://x.com/senatortester/status/1364301110392029190
Tim Sheehy, US Senate Candidate Website – GUN RIGHTS – Sheehy stated, “I will fight back…radical gun control agenda that threatens our Second Amendment rights.” 2024: https://timformt.com/on-the-issues/
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – Sheehy stated, “I will never back down…the radical left is trying to take away our 2A rights.” 6/3/2024: https://x.com/SheehyforMT/status/1797744246705004773
- Allow private businessowners to opt out of providing services that would violate their faith.
Congressional Website, S.393 – Equality Act – Co-sponsored – “…required to participate in same-sex weddings or gender transition celebrations.”2/23/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/393/cosponsors
Senator Jon Tester, Twitter/X – 2/23/2021: Tester stated, “equal protection…no matter who they are or who they love…ensures LGBTQ+ folks are protected from discrimination…pass it now.” https://x.com/senatortester/status/1364301110392029190
Tim Sheehy, Twitter/X – Sheehy stated, “Our first amendment…is enshrined in our constitution…protect religious freedoms so that Americans are free to follow their faith.” 6/30/2023: https://x.com/sheehyformt/status/1674853014476029963