US Ally Makes Silent Prayer Illegal Outside Abortion Clinics

Life Matters from Pexels
Did you know that Great Britain made it illegal to silently pray outside of abortion clinics on October 31, 2024?
No one in England or Wales is allowed to exercise their religious freedoms to pray within 150 meters of an abortion facility, and those who do will be given an “unlimited fine,” according to LifeNews. Harassment outside of abortion clinics is already illegal in the U.K., but now those who try to silently protect the unborn will be further discriminated against by British lawmakers.
Abortion remains the leading cause of death worldwide, with some 10 million people killed in the U.K. alone since 1967, the outlet continued. (RELATED: Baltimore Sex Ed Program Refers Kids To Abortion Clinics)
Serious Double Standard?
“When six policemen were sent to arrest pro-lifer Isabel Vaughan-Spruce for silently praying, commentator Nick Ferrari, one of few to express shock, noted the double standards involved: ‘[H]ow come we live in a country where you can get arrested for praying, but police offer to get you a blanket if you close down a motorway or lie in front of an ambulance?'”
The Associated Press attempted to argue that silent prayer remains a grey area under British law. “The Crown Prosecution Service says silent prayer near an abortion clinic ‘will not necessarily commit a criminal offense,’ and police say they will assess each case individually,” the outlet wrote.
“The final rules are a potentially messy compromise that is likely to be tested in court,” AP added. (RELATED: State Reinstates 6-Week Pro-Life Protections)
Bishops React
“Religious freedom includes the right to manifest one’s private beliefs in public through witness, prayer and charitable outreach, including outside abortion facilities,” said Bishop John Sherrington of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, calling the decision by lawmakers an “unnecessary and disproportionate step backwards” for religious freedom. (RELATED: Elon Musk Speaks Out On Abortion At Rally)
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