‘West Is In Crisis’ As Christian Disengage: Os Guinness

Oct 21, 2024

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Author and theologian Os Guinness said Tuesday (Oct. 15) that the “west is in crisis” making it an “absolutely appalling” time for Christians to disengage.

“I wish people understood [this] moment,” Guinness told Joseph Backholm’s “Outstanding” podcast. “The whole of the West [is] in crisis.” He called it a “civilizational moment,” both for the church and the American Republic. “We’re on the verge of America becoming unrecognizable,” and if we don’t address the growing radical Marxist ideologies taking over our politics, the country is “finished.”

“President Biden’s policies are literally … suicidal,” he added. This is harsh truth, especially when there is “still so much more that unites us than divides us,” Backholm pointed out. (JOIN THE REVIVAL: Christians Called To Shine ‘Light’ On ‘Dark Institutions’)

“Rubbish.” said Guinness. “There’s a huge difference in the culture, say, of California and the culture of Alabama. And as many people point out, the only unity is Home Depot. But that isn’t what once united you. America as the world’s first new modern nation [adopted the] motto ‘E pluribus unum.’ You had to have a ‘unum’ because you had such incredible diversity.” European nations already had linguistic and/or ethnic homogeneity, he noted. “They didn’t need any teaching of what united. They were united. America didn’t have that naturalist [advantage]. You had to teach it. So America is a nation by intention and by ideas. … People got to know what it is to be American, to balance all the diversity.”

All Gone?

“It used to be taught in public schools, and that went out the door at the end of the ’60s. And then you had things like Howard Zinn’s America or the 1619 Project in America. So the public schools have been damaging enough, but the open border has just been the end,” he continued. It is a depressing thought. But not all hope is lost.

Guinness spoke of our Founding Fathers, who had a “great understanding” that freedom is only realized “if you have moral virtue and faith underlying it — because otherwise … it’ll wash away.” (LEARN MORE: Pastors Twice As Likely To Support One Candidate)

We must have “ordered freedom,” Guinness continued. “The Bible’s way at Sinai was an ordered freedom. Freedom within the covenant. For America, freedom within the Constitution.” Now, people are trying to throw-out the Constitution, Guinness added. “It’s madness.”

It Doesn’t Have To Be Madness

Our nation is at a crossroads, dealing with pivotal issues that directly impact your daily lives – from ensuring religious freedom, fair and secure elections, to fighting against inflation from foreign governments and groups, and advocating for secure borders. The strength of our community, the rights of our parents, and the protection of girls’ sports, life, and the economy are not just political issues; they are the fabric of our society. It’s time to take a stand against crimereform our institutions, and ensure the prosperity and security of our nation.

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