Latest Devotions
Standing for Christ with Courage
The most important thing we will ever do is tell other people about Jesus. The great news is the Holy Spirit will give us the courage to speak boldly, pray boldly, and let our passion for Jesus bring light to a dark world.
Grace from Start to Finish
As the body of Christ, we must reflect on how we approach our spiritual growth. When we first come to Christ, we rely on the Holy Spirit, understanding that salvation is a gift of grace.
The Wisdom of Ecclesiastes: A Journey Towards Divine Purpose
King Solomon explored life’s purpose in the book of Ecclesiastes, providing a hard look at the complicated nature of our existence.
Responding to the Call: Embracing Jesus as Our King
On a miraculous night, more than 2,000 years ago, a King was born and we have never been the same. Believers know Jesus as our savior, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Inviting God’s Wisdom into Our Nation’s New Chapter
As we approach the inauguration of President Trump and the transition of power, let us lift our hearts in prayer for the future of this nation. Our country stands at a pivotal moment.
Guarding Ourselves Against Spiritual Deceit
In a world flooded with information from countless sources, there is no shortage of opinions. It has become increasingly challenging.
Embracing the New: God’s Promise of Renewal
In Isaiah 43:18-19, God calls us to forget the past and embrace the new thing He is doing. This invitation speaks to our tendency to cling to old hurts, disappointments, and even past victories.
Reflecting Christ: The Power of Peace and Kindness
We are called to live in a manner that reflects Christ’s love and character. The world often promotes the idea of standing firm by asserting one’s own rights or defending personal opinions aggressively.
The Power of Prayer: The Same Yesterday and Today
Our prayers invite God to demonstrate His majesty and His power! The Red Sea was parted when Moses prayed. Elijah prevented rain in Gilead for three years when he petitioned God.
The Resilient Spirit of America: Hope and Healing in Times of Crisis
In the face of immense devastation—lives lost, fires scorching homes and businesses, hurricanes and flooding tearing through towns, terrorism robbing people of their peace of mind—it is easy to feel overwhelmed and abandoned.
God’s Mercy: New Every Day!
Many misunderstand God’s ways concerning His mercy as if we qualify as recipients based on our mercy to others.
Keeping the Faith Under Pressure
When we walk with Jesus and surrender to His calling, we will experience pressure and pain when living an effective Christian life. But with the increase of pressure…
Living Authentically: The Journey to Integrity and Honesty
How we behave reveals the inner workings of our hearts. Roots of anger, bitterness, immorality, and dishonesty cannot truly be hidden.
Urgent Call to Awaken America
Despite its freedom and opportunities, America is not exempt from a history of distorted thinking. Slavery, the mistreatment of Native Americans, the passage of Roe v. Wade, and the removal of prayer from our schools.
Where There Is Stillness, There is God
Immersing ourselves in the presence of God allows us to acknowledge His sovereignty over our lives and find peace, even in the seemingly chaotic world.