
Biden Sued Over Conservative Censorship

Dec 8, 2023

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The state of Texas, via its Attorney General Ken Paxton, is suing the Biden Administration over the censorship of conservative views online, Newsmax reported Wednesday.

The state aligned with the New Civil Liberties Alliance, The Daily Wire, and the Federalist in the suit. They pointed out that the State Department’s Global Engagement Center funded the Global Disinformation Index, which is supposed to be a third-party organization that chooses who best to censor online. The censorship is typically based on topics and information the global elite do not want the American public to know about. (LEARN MORE: Supreme Court To Hear Ultimate Free Speech, Censorship Case)

Election Interference

The House Judiciary Committee found the group worked with the Election Integrity Partnership to censor information ahead of the 2020 presidential and general elections. “All the liberal sites like CNN and New York Times get great scores no matter what they do,” Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy said earlier in 2023. “Think about what CNN did — all the problems, the scandals, the Cuomos, the Russian collusion — and they’re among the highest-rated by NewsGuard.” (LEARN MORE: Attendees Recite Lord’s Prayer At School Board Meeting After Attempted Censorship)

Tell Your Lawmakers How Important This Issue Is For You

Mass censorship feels like part of the norm for the Biden Administration. Many competitors have been silenced by Big Tech platforms like Google and others. Thankfully, we’ve figured out the easiest way to bypass Big Tech and ensure your lawmakers know how you feel. Did you know that you, your family, and friends can send letters directly to your elected officials today?

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