Christian Video Game Platform Fights ‘Toxic Content’
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TruPlay CEO Brent Dusing spoke to CBN in January, outlining how his Christian gaming platform is working to fight “toxic content,” while delivering “excellence and fun” on “God’s truth.”
TruPlay was developed to protect children from the over-sexualized, secular content found in video games and gaming platforms globally. “We started this because we’re so concerned about what’s going on with kids,” Dusing told CBN. “Why is that? How did we get here? It’s very simple. Fifty-two-and-a-half hours is the average amount of time a child spends on a screen. They’re only at church 30 minutes a week.”
“We really are facing a crisis with children,” Dusing continued. “Anxiety, suicide, depression rates are all time, all-time highs, pornography exposure, all-time highs for kids, all types of toxic content thrust on kids.” (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)
Where Do Parents Turn?
The subscription gaming platform offers children plenty of opportunities to engage in Christian and other family-friendly content. It’s a perfect alternative for parents looking to protect their children from the torrent of online chaos.
“Its really a whole kind of a platform for all types of entertainment options for kids and families,” Dusing noted. “Our goal is to reach millions and millions of children, and families all across the world.” (LEARN MORE: Biden Administration Study Finds Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Americans More Likely To Suffer From Major Depression)
Protect Families Today
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