
College Swimmers Stand Up For Female Integrity

Oct 14, 2023

A group of swimmers at Roanoke College are defending their sport this fall season, as a biological male attempted to join their team, according to the Washington Stand.

Seventeen collegiate swimmers arrived for their 2023 season to find a man trying to enter their team. Thankfully, they’re not backing down. And their efforts could have a ripple effect across the nation.

“This has been too great of a burden to bear for many of our teammates who have lost hours of sleep, many tears, and the will to train to race a swimmer who has an advantage in the water that our bodies may never possess,” Captain Lily Mullens, 20, said during a press conference. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

Response Handed To Students

Apparently the team were told to “confront the trans swimmer themselves” after they explained how scientifically unfair his advantage was on the women’s team. The biological male apparently threatened to commit suicide if he wasn’t included.  (LEARN MORE: Biden Administration Study Finds Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Americans More Likely To Suffer From Major Depression)

The college turned against their swimmers entirely. They were told “even if our entire women’s team decided to stand together and not swim … our coach would be allowed to have a one-athlete swim team. A one-person swim team. That information alone was the most discouraging and disheartening of all.”

Tell Your Elected Officials That You Oppose All Forms Of Gender Mutilation Today

By contacting your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with the power claimed by medical institutions and government officials over the rights of women, you can shift policy to protect America’s most valuable members – its young people.

To contact your local representatives today, sign up for www.Change. MillionVoices.org today (text MV to 80550). We’ll ensure that your voice is always heard.

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