
Countless Students Turn To Christ At US Colleges

May 11, 2024

A movement that started at Auburn University in fall 2023 has since spread to four other campuses, leading to thousands of students and countless others being saved.

The Unite US movement launched in the Neville Arena in Auburn University in September 2023, bringing in more than 5,000 students. Roughly 200 of those in attendance were able to be baptized afterward, according to Christian Headlines. Similar events have since been held at Florida State University, the University of Georgia, the University of Alabama, and at the University of Tennessee where organizers partnered with local churches to share the Good Word. (LEARN MORE: Russell Brand Baptized In River Thames)

At the Tennessee event, more than 5,500 students showed up, with apparently hundreds making professions of faith and more than 120 baptized outside the arena!


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“God Is Doing Something Special”

“I’m not capable of doing this, we’re not capable of doing this, it’s the hand of God. It’s way bigger than us,” Unite US founder Tonya Prewett told CBN. “We’ve seen over 800 baptized. We’re just being obedient, we’re just walking in obedience and God’s gone before us and he’s moving in incredible ways.” (LEARN MORE: Lady A Leads Worship At Nashville Church)

The purpose of each event is to find (1) salvation, (2) freedom from sin and burdens of the heart, (3) and for students to find community and discipleship through local ministries and the local church, according to the official Unite US website.

“We connect with every pastor in the community, and every campus ministry leader in the community, and we bring them in and they set up tables, [so] these students can get connected that night,” Prewett noted. “We’ve heard so many testimonies of students who have gotten so plugged into the church, and they’re now serving through their church or leading small groups or discipleship programs post-event, it’s really amazing.”

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