Dr. Drew Says YouTube Is Forcing Him Into ‘Reeducation Training’

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A series of X posts shared in mid-January claimed that YouTube is trying to censor medical information shared by Dr. Drew, a board certified internist and addiction medical specialist, best known for his expert work in media.
YouTube is accused of removing two of Dr. Drew’s videos for allegedly spreading “medical misinformation.” The videos featured interviews with an MD and a lawyer. In one of the videos, “Dr. Kelly Victory shares her professional opinion about young people who were injured by mRNA side effects, saying the ‘vast majority of the people who have been injured are young, healthy people who were under the age of 50 who had fundamentally zero risk from COVID itself. They all got COVID. 98% of the population has documentation they’ve had COVID. These are people who would have been fine if they were just left alone.'”
Both Dr. Drew and Dr. Victory are board-certified and have practiced medicine for decades. “It is not medical misinformation for a licensed doctor to provide an opinion on a broadcast,” Dr. Drew wrote in the post.
The Second “Violation”

Dr. Drew noted that YouTube did not censor a video of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow telling her viewers that, “we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people,” even though this is untrue. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), the certain vaccines, at best, showed a “reduced risk of SARS-CoV2-2-transmission.”
‘Reeducation Training’

This is not the first time YouTube has attempted to censor Dr. Drew’s accounts. In the past, his producers were able to discuss the matter with representatives from the company, according to a follow-up X post. (RELATED: ANALYSIS: As Meta De-Censors Users, Will Big Tech Follow?)

Dr. Drew concluded by stating that YouTube is “free to stay on the wrong side of history.” Both episodes are still readily available on X and he is refusing to delete them “to appease Google’s unqualified, unlicensed, untrained, unidentified censors.”
Should Censorship Be Canceled?
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