
Former NFL Star Wants To End The Fatherlessness Crisis

Jan 6, 2024

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Former NFL star Jack Brewer founded the Jack Brewer Foundation in 2006 and has since worked to fight the fatherlessness crisis plaguing America.

More than 18 million children (1 in 4) grow up without a father in their lives, according to the Washington Stand. This means the U.S. has the highest rate of children living with only one parent when compared to every other country in the world. Brewer recently appeared on “Fox and Friends” to discuss this crisis, and what his foundation is doing to fight it.

Scary Statistics

Brewer’s Foundation has discovered:

  • 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
  • 85% of all children with behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes.
  • 85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes.
  • 75% of families relying on public housing are led by single women.
  • 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.

Fighting the fatherless crisis should be a top priority for all Americans. “The fatherless crisis is perhaps the clearest example of the harm we do when we ignore the design God intended for the world. Just like we are created to need a relationship with God, children are created to need a relationship with their earthly father. When that relationship doesn’t exist, we tend to behave in ways that are self-destructive,” FRC senior fellow Joseph Blackholm told TWS.

But if the hole in the hearts of American children cannot be filled by their fathers, then they always have the love of our Heavenly Father.

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