
Globalist Corporations Examined Over ESG

Dec 20, 2023

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Members of BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Arjuna Capital, and others were/will be subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee in December over their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment decisions.

BlackRock’s CEO Larry Fink and other heads of the organization are being forced to hand over a mountain of documents and communications related to ESG initiatives, particularly the company’s net-zero decarbonization goals from January 2019, according to the Washington Examiner. The panel wants to know about the company’s chosen targets, which were largely developed by outside groups like Climate Action 100+ and others, the outlet noted.

The purpose of the investigation is to establish whether the ESG agreements violate antitrust laws.

Globalists Want To Comply

“As a fiduciary, our only agenda is to act independently in helping our clients achieve their financial goals,” a spokesperson for BlackRock told the outlet. “This is why BlackRock is trusted to manage more assets than any other asset manager in the world. We have worked cooperatively with the House Judiciary Committee to address their questions about the asset management industry, as we do with any government body.”

A similar response came from State Street: “We have cooperated fully with the committee and will continue to do so going forward. We remain confident that we have not violated any anti-trust laws.”

Divesting From ESG

When companies are told to invest in  ESG, what they’re doing is cutting down the value of American capital by ensuring your investment goals are not met. Many states have already divested from BlackRock and other similar companies. The perception and apparent practice is that ESG initiatives don’t actually make money, which is the entire purpose of an investment decision.

BlackRock is apparently feeling the heat, as only 7% of its almost 400 shareholder proposals based on ESG themes were supported as of the company’s August annual report. In previous years, the company supported as many as 47% of these proposals.

Clearly, The Heat Is Working

You can tell your local, state, and federally elected officials that you want nothing to do with BlackRock, or any other company that prioritizes misleading and unscientific ESG goals. The more we use our voice to call out what we don’t want, the more powerful we become.

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