Habits that Cultivate Spiritual Growth

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” James 4:8a (NLT)

It is said that highly successful people have learned to develop good habits, and good habits require self-discipline and commitment. And when it comes to good habits, none will affect our growth and successes more than cultivating our personal relationship with God—the most vital, life-giving relationship we can have! There are infinite ways to build intimacy with the Lord, but here are some creative suggestions to inspire us in our efforts:

1. Read or listen to Scripture – God’s Word is essential food for our spirit. Taking a moment each day to tune out the world and tune into His Word is life-changing! Some practical helps to reinforce this habit:

• View time in the Word as a “date” with God, rather than as a duty.

• Place sticky notes with verses on the bathroom mirror, the fridge, in the car, etc.

• Download a Bible app for easy reading or listening while on the go.

• Set an alarm for a regular, designated time in His Word.

• Dive into a “One-Year- Bible” for measurable progress.

• Enjoy historical studies of different biblical stories, topics, and characters.

• Try a journaling Bible with space for daily notes to build good study habits

“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:8-9 (NIV)


2. Pray – Put God on speed dial! Lose the idea that prayer has to be complicated and comprised of rituals. The more we are in communication with Him (like any other person), the more inclined we’ll be to stay connected, and the more connected, the more peace will flow in our lives! Some creative ideas for connecting:

• First thing in the morning, invite His Presence into the day ahead.

• Praise Him, trading anxieties for the peace that comes from remembering all He’s done.

• Pray about everything! Nothing is too big or too small…He cares about it all.

• Thank Him, even on days that are not going your way.

• Ask for direction, especially in important life decisions.

• Pray for others. Ask Him to show you how.

• Worship Him, setting an atmosphere in your heart and your surroundings. This is another form of prayer.

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” Colossians 4:2 (NLT)


3. Engage with the community — God designed us for community! We cultivate our faith, both when we engage with other believers as well as when we share Jesus with others. The opportunities are endless, but here’s a few suggestions for inspiration:

• Attend a good, Bible-believing church. This is God’s plan—He wants us to enjoy relationships with people who love Jesus and others. Get involved!

• Find good Christian podcasts or sermons that are spiritually encouraging.

• Listen to uplifting worship music.

• Follow accounts on social media that post biblical content.

• Replace things that are counter to God’s Word or His design with things that are biblically sound (books, media, influences).

• Share Jesus! This can happen anywhere and in so many ways. Ask God to use you to be His eyes, ears, voice, and goodness to others—HE WILL!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)


Father God, we worship You today, coming before You as humble servants and Your beloved kids! We thank You for Your goodness to us. Help us to develop good habits that keep us connected to You, and help us to steward our time in a way that brings honor and glory to You. We want to be faithful in our commitment to serve and honor You in all that we do. We desire to have a deep relationship with You, God. Please help us to dive into Your Word, taking it to heart, and allowing it to be our life-guide every day. As our faith continues to grow, give us opportunities to share that faith with those that need to hear it. We give You all the honor, glory, and praise. Amen!

Tuesday, February 14th, 2023


Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need to confidently act from a biblical worldview.
