You selected Educational Freedom as an issue you care about. That’s great! Use this guide to write to your state representatives today:
Step 1: Use the email we sent you to get your state representative’s names and addresses. If you have forgotten, you can go to and click the Use Your Voice Today button and find out who your state reps are once again.
Step 2: You can either copy the text below to your computer, type in the representative’s names and your information, sign it, and print it.
– OR –
You can handwrite the text below on a postcard.
Step 3: Address a completed postcard to each of your state representatives and mail it.
If it helps you, you can go to, and for a suggested donation, we will print and mail these to each of your state representatives for you. The mailing will be from you and from your home address and will conclude with your personalized signature. We will also mail the same to your home so you can see what was sent on your behalf.
Thank you for Using Your Voice to Change Policy. Here is the text example of what you can write to each of your state representatives about the issue of Educational Freedom:
I am grateful for your service to [ENTER YOUR STATE HERE] and to our great nation. I am writing you as a parent, constituent, and voter in your district to express my concern over the politicization of our education system. Many school systems are bowing to pressure from far-left groups who demand progressive social and political ideology founded in a Marxism worldview – to the point those parents are being labeled domestic terrorists! We are not terrorists when we stand up for our God-given responsibility to raise our children when they are exposed to pornography or being trained that all people of any ethnicity are racist.
I am asking you to support legislation that affirms parents’ rights to ask questions, demand transparency, and protest decisions that parents deem harmful to their children by their elected school board members. As my [ENTER YOUR STATE HERE] state legislator, you are in a position to make the most immediate difference. Please inform me of your specific plans to address this issue.