Joe Rogan Releases Most Heard Gospel Broadcast In History, Maybe

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Data released in Jan. by Protestia revealed that Joe Rogan’s interview with historian, researcher and Christian apologist Wesley Huff will likely be the furthest reaching gospel broadcast in history.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that even the most boring Joe Rogan podcasts receive millions more views than anything churned out by legacy media. On Jan 7., Rogan released the absolute opposite of a boring episode — he spoke for more than three hours to Apologetics Canada’s central Canadian director and Ph.D candidate Wesley Huff, and it’s possibly the most interesting three hours you’ll spend all month.
From the fundamentals of understanding the Bible, how it was written, and seeing it for the time it was written in, to exploring the resurrection, Huff’s three-hour chat with Rogan is unlike anything you’d anticipate. There was no debate, just simple questions. For those of us who already believe, it was like the dream conversation you’d want to have with someone just coming to their faith.
“What is your personal belief when it comes to the resurrection?” Rogan asked Huff at one point in the conversation. “Do you have a belief, or do you just try to interpret the text and try to see what is the message?” (RELATED: Ravens Head Coach Reads Luke 1:46-47 To Press)
The Resurrection
Huff replied, “You have a guy who objectively lived, He objectively died, and then individuals close to His inner circle, claim that they see Him not dead.”
“It’s very difficult,” Rogan pushed, “for anybody who thinks of themselves as an intelligent person, who’s secular, to even entertain the possibility that someone died and come back to life.”
“And I get that, but we’ve already talked about the fact that we don’t think that the only thing that exists is matter in motion. We as in you and I. Right? Like, we believe that there’s something else going on in this world that’s a little bit crazy,” Huff continued, to which Rogan agreed. To exclude the idea that Jesus did rise from the dead is like “putting blinders on.” It also ignores all of the eye witnesses, of which there were at least 400, according to Paul, who saw Jesus after he rose from the dead. (RELATED: Denzel Washington Receives Minister’s License)
“First Corinthians 15, Paul says that Jesus appeared to the disciples, and then he appeared to 400 people all at once. I mean, if we read the gospel of Luke and the gospel of, or gospel of Luke in Acts, so same author wrote these both documents, He says that Jesus was walking around teaching them for 40 days after he was resurrected from the dead,” Huff continued. ” … o these are written within a time period when you have people who would have seen Jesus’ ministry, who were there, say, at something like the feeding of the 5,000, who could have been able to verify or, debunk some of these things that are being said. And you go from a bunch of scared guys who because Jesus wasn’t the only[Messianic] figure who arose and claimed to be the messiah. Right. There were a number of individuals both prior to and after Jesus, but they die and the movement dies with them.”
The conversation later turned to just how crazy it is that Jesus’ story even made it through the two thousand or more years since it took place. “he interesting thing about Jesus is that we have more evidence from different writings in the ancient world than we probably should have for someone of his stature,” he explained. “We have Matthew, Mark and Luke, and John, these four biographies. There’s really only one other person around that time that can claim to have that much kind of independent testimony of their life, and it’s the Roman emperor Tiberius. So the Roman emperor, who’s the most famous powerful person at the time, has a similar amount of historiographical evidence, biographically, for his lifetime that Jesus does … How do you explain it going from 11 scared disciples in an upper room to [them] being willing to go out and die for the proclamation that you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and you saw Him, and you touched Him, and you ate with Him. You know He wasn’t a ghost. You actually ate fish with the resurrected Jesus.” (RELATED: Comedian Matt Rife Reveals He Was Baptized In 2024)
Inspiring Reactions As The Great American Revival Continues
“Jesus found me at my lowest and showed me I am worth to be loved. Jesus is LORD,” wrote one individual, as seen in a tweet shared shortly after the episode aired.
“This episode speaks volumes as to why Joe Rogan is so popular. He is a genuine seeker of truth. Seeing this makes me think all the more that he’s going to find it,” said another.
“People are hungry for Christian conversations like this! Thank you for this interview,” said one YouTube user, whose sentiment was echoed by another, “Thank you Joe for having such an articulate and wise Christian on the show. It’s so refreshing to see faith brought out like this. We all are thankful.”
“I was an unbeliever until I’ve heard Wesley Huff. Now I’m a believer. It was the best experience ever. I will recommend this episode to my friends and family so they can become true believers too.” (RELATED: Russell Brand, Jordan Peterson Lead 25,000 In Lord’s Prayer)
“The last 20 minutes of the podcast was insanely profound. I literally got chill bumps hearing Joe speak those words.”
“The last hour of this was absolutely riveting. He had Rogan spellbound. The very final 10 minutes or so where he brings out the purpose of the law as a mirror and the futility of legalism is so important. Bravo Wes Huff! Tremendous witness for the Gospel.”
For some, it was their first time watching a Joe Rogan Experience episode. If you’ve never listened to an episode before, you can’t go wrong by starting with Huff. You can click here to watch it on YouTube.
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