Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide Revealed

Xavier Lorenzo from The Xavier Lorenzo
Abortion was the leading cause of deaths around the globe in 2024, according to data released by Worldometer.
At noon on Dec. 31, 2024, data revealed by Worldometer showed there were 45.1 million abortions performed throughout 2024. This number accounted for a little over 42% of all human deaths in 2024, according to Breitbart. There were more deaths caused by abortion than from cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS, smoking, alcohol, and traffic accidents combined.
The data used by Worldometer derived from the World Health Organization (WHO), so the exact statistics may be higher than those reported. (WIN: Grocery Store Giant Removes Abortion Pill From Pharmacy)
Compounding Crises
Here in the U.S., abortion accounts for roughly a third of all deaths annually. When broken down by demographic, abortion accounts for more than 60% of African American deaths, previous data revealed. African American women have the highest abortion rates of any demographic, while white women have the lowest.
“The world is experiencing a critical shortage of babies that will threaten our way of life in every way imaginable,” said Jonathon Van Maren via LifeSiteNews, citing data and reports of plummeting birthrates around the world. (RELATED: State Reinstates 6-Week Pro-Life Protections)
“Based on an overview of the world’s 196 countries, the average population of a country is 40.96 million. This means that every year the equivalent of an entire country is killed by abortion. To report on the birthrate without acknowledging this fact is simply ludicrous – because the truth is that tens of millions of children are conceived but are never born,” he continued. ” …
We are killing at least a country’s worth of people every single year. No other single fact explains so much about the upheaval taking place around the world. You cannot have war in the womb and peace in the streets.”
What Are The Most Important Issues To You?
The issue of Life is one of the most important to us at Million Voices. Every year, we fight to protect the unborn. Even with huge successes in the last few years, we still have a long way to go.
We just had an election where a lot of people lost their jobs, and a lot of new people are coming in to work for you, the American people, YOU need to tell them what we want from their time in office.
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