2024 Missouri Voter Guide Footnotes

1.) Congressional Website, VOTED AGAINST H.R.5376 – Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 – which purports to bring down inflation by increasing regulations, including cutting emissions in half by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. This phases out gas-powered vehicles. 8/7/2022: 


Congressional Website, VOTED AGAINST H.R. 1319 American Rescue Plan – a bill that enacted a policy requiring online sellers to report and keep track of all transactions over $600. 3/6/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00110.htm 

2.) Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – When asked if he agreed with blocking or cutting back on the Build Back Better Act, Kunce replied: “I would do every single thing that I possibly could, to invest in this country. Invest in production. Invest in the people who live here.” (The Build Back Better Act was a $3.5 trillion package that included provisions related to climate change and social policy that was ultimately passed after being reduced to $2.2 trillion.) 9/28/2021: https://x.com/lucaskuncemo/status/1442974199706832900 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “We need to cut all the pipelines. We need to build renewables here and end addiction to fossil fuels.” 2/24/2022: https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1496900891328319496 

Article, The American Prospect – “For our national security, we must adopt an industrial policy to rapidly and fully decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors. We need to ditch all fossil fuels, not just oil, the same way we ditched whale oil for petroleum in the late 1800s.” 2/10/2021: https://prospect.org/environment/national-security-case-for-decarbonization/ 

Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce for US Senate – Lucas criticized his opponent for voting against several multi-billion and multi-trillion dollar spending bills on the basis that the bills included spending for border security” 2024: https://lucaskunce.com/news/2024/08/19/lucas-kunce-talks-securing-our-southern-border-in-new-ad-slams-hawley-for-inaction/ 

Article, The American Prospect – “For our national security, we must adopt an industrial policy to rapidly and fully decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors. We need to ditch all fossil fuels…” 2/10/2021: https://prospect.org/environment/national-security-case-for-decarbonization/ 

Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce for US Senate – “We can put an end to pointless, trillion-dollar wars and invest in a Marshall Plan for the Midwest — a historic investment in our workers and communities to rebuild our forgotten towns and cities, and to finally start making stuff in America again.” (The Marshall Plan proposes to use the transition to “clean energy” as an economic development tool) https://sustainablebusiness.pitt.edu/marshall-plan-middle-america#:~:text=The%20Marshall%20Plan%20for%20Middle%20America%20(MP4MA)%20Roadmap%20is%20a,the%20Steel%20Valley%20Authority%2C%20the 2024: https://lucaskunce.com/meet-lucas-kunce/ 

3.) Senator Josh Hawley – Facebook – “A Harris administration would come with an open border, total amnesty for illegals, PLUS taxpayer-funded healthcare for them.
“I think that Kamala Harris is weak; I think that she is a liberal; and I think that’s the key to the election right there.” 8/21/2024: https://www.facebook.com/SenatorHawley/videos/1206908657217666 

Candidate Website – Josh Hawley for US Senate – “I am particularly alarmed at new reports suggesting that DHS plans to divert doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide free medical resources to those crossing our border illegally.”  Senator Hawley went on to highlight new reports that DHS plans to provide migrants with free phones, as well as alleged plans “to maximize the ability of illegal immigrants to apply for relief.” 4/6/2022:  https://www.hawley.senate.gov/hawley-rips-biden-admin-over-dhs-plans-rescind-title-42-allocate-veteran-resources-illegal/ 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “And now Kamala wants to give these illegals taxpayer funded healthcare” 8/22/2024:  https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1826728801168228619 

Other, Was one of “16 Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives is urging the Biden administration not to expend taxpayer funding providing healthcare for illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.” 7/14/2023: https://tiffany.house.gov/media/editorials-letters-and-articles/gop-lawmakers-urge-biden-admin-not-fund-healthcare-illegal 

WATCH: FOX NEWS Interview – “Worse than that she’s in favor of gold-plated healthcare for all of those illegals and she wants it paid for with tax-payer funds.” @0:39 8/19/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1xjrSclcgU 

WATCH: KSDK News – “Lucas Kunce opposes a border wall. Lucas Kunce wants amnesty for illegals in this country. That’s 15 million in the last three years. And then he wants to put them after he’s given them amnesty on Social Security and Medicare. You want to bankrupt Social Security and Medicare put 15-20 million illegals on those programs. That’s his plan. It’s absolutely nuts. It’s crazy.” @14:31 9/20/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FEu9oWFDY 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “Kunce wants to see full amnesty for illegals.  And then he wants to bankrupt America’s Medicare and Medicaid programs to cover healthcare for them.” 9/20/2024: 


Article, The Southeast Missourian – “We need to…close the border so that we can secure this country. Get the illegals off of the streets, get them off of our benefits, get them off of our health care,” Hawley said.” 8/13/2024:  https://archive.ph/r3u2C 

4.) WATCH: BoCo Muleskinners YouTube – “As a Senator, I’d do everything I can to support legislation that.. puts undocumented immigrants who pass a background check on a path to citizenship.” @49:11 6/5/2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFINeptDqW4 

WATCH: KSDA News YouTube – “I don’t support amnesty for people who came here the wrong way. I support a path to citizenship for people who came here the right way.” @16:21 9/20/2024:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FEu9oWFDYY 

5.) Article, The Missouri Times – Hawley said the Clean Power Plan hurt Missouri by installing a massive network of regulations that would have driven energy prices up in Missouri by double digits. Missouri challenged the regulations in federal court as unconstitutional. 10/10/2024: 


Candidate Website – Josh Hawley for Senate – “To be strong and free as a nation, we must be energy independent”  2/28/2022:  https://www.hawley.senate.gov/hawley-leads-bill-restoring-american-energy-independence-ending-reliance-foreign-nations/ 

Congressional Website, Sponsored S.3714 – American Energy Independence Act of 2022 – This bill addresses U.S. energy independence, the production and importation of oil and natural gas, and the rescission of specified environmental requirements. 2/28/2022:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3714#::~:text=This%20bill%20addresses%20U.S.%20energy,achieve%20energy%20independence%20by%202024 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “My opponent Lucas Kunce wants to BAN all oil and gas in America – so if you drive a pickup, a tractor or a trailer, he wants your keys now.” 8/8/2024: https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1821686063959617815 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “Kunce wants to ditch ALL fossil fuels.  Either he doesn’t know that would devastate Missouri, or he just doesn’t care.  And that’s because he’s in the same boat as the green energy wackos in his Democrat Party” 9/20/2024: https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1837243691083387389 

WATCH: KSDK News YouTube – “Lucas Kunce wants to ditch all fossil fuels, not just oil. He says all fossil fuels.” @22:54 9/20/2024:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FEu9oWFDYY 

6.) Article, The American Prospect – “We need to ditch all fossil fuels, not just oil, the same way we ditched whale oil for petroleum in the late 1800s.” “…[W]e must adopt an industrial policy to rapidly and fully decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors.” 2/10/2021: 


Article, The Guardian – “Kunce talks of ‘big, bold investment’ in the midwest, of spending the sort of billions previously spent on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on building ‘the next generation of energy technology right here, to build out manufacturing, research and development, we’re talking wind and solar but we’re also talking hydrogen, distributed nuclear or modular nuclear, battery technology [and] good union jobs” 7/31/2022: 


Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “It would cost us $4.5 trillion to make America’s electric grid fully renewable. By comparison: We spent $6.4 trillion on nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don’t want to hear one more Washington hack say we can’t “afford” to invest in our own country.” 8/18/2021:  https://x.com/lucaskuncemo/status/1428092992611667973 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “….The case is clear: Crushing Putin while exporting American energy, tech, and products at the same time? We’ll get all that done through decarbonization.” 2/27/2022:  https://x.com/lucaskuncemo/status/1498061883013750795 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “We need to support Ukraine. We need to sanction Russia’s oligarchs. We need to cut all the pipelines. We need to build renewables here and end addiction to fossil fuels.” 2/24/2022: https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1496900891328319496 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “Right now, the price of gas is determined by war criminals, dictators, and a handful of multinational Big Oil conglomerates. You can call that a “free market” if you want, but I’ll call it what it is: A dangerous, blood-thirsty cartel.” 4/13/2022: 


7.) Congressional Website, VOTED AGAINST H.R.5376 Inflation Reduction Act, which purports to bring down inflation by increasing regulations, including cutting emissions in half by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. This phases out gas-powered vehicles. 8/7/2022: 


Congressional Website, VOTED FOR S.Amdt. 421 to S.Amdt. 935 to S. 2226 – To provide remedies to members of the Armed Forces discharged or subject to adverse action under the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. 7/26/2023:  


Candidate Website, Josh Hawley US Senate – “That’s why Biden has it entirely backwards. His EV mandates threaten to undermine U.S. automakers and make the industry even more dependent on components from China. That’s an outcome American workers cannot afford.” 2024: 


Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “This Labor Day, here’s Lucas Kunce’s big plan for Missouri farmers and workers: take away all gas and diesel trucks – and cars, and SUVs, and tractors. In fact, take away all gas and diesel period. It’s nuts. But that’s Kunce ” 9/2/2024: https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1830626009244147966 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “Privilege to be at the Fisher Delta Center today with farmers from around the bootheel. Biden’s stupid EV mandates & war on American energy is killing our farmers – it’s time to repeal the mandates and let our farmers go to work” 8/23/2024: 


Article, Spectrum News – “Hawley said he would eliminate funding for more than 80,000 new IRS employees and green energy subsidies ‘that make China richer, that make America poorer that make us dependent on Chinese solar power, let’s get rid of those and save a bunch of money, I mean that’s where I would start but we’ll see, it’s going to depend on what the President comes to the table with…” 5/4/2023: https://spectrumlocalnews.com/mo/st-louis/news/2023/05/04/hawley-a–no–on-short-term-debt-limit-hike–wants-green-energy-cuts 

8.) Article, The American Prospect – “We need to ditch all fossil fuels, not just oil, the same way we ditched whale oil for petroleum in the late 1800s.” “…[W]e must adopt an industrial policy to rapidly and fully decarbonize our energy and transportation sectors.” 2/10/2021: https://prospect.org/environment/national-security-case-for-decarbonization/ 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “We need to support Ukraine. We need to sanction Russia’s oligarchs. We need to cut all the pipelines. We need to build renewables here and end addiction to fossil fuels.” 2/24/2022: https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1496900891328319496 

9.) Congressional Website, Co-sponsored S2484 – Secure the Border Act of 2023 – Resume border wall construction, increased funding for technology for border and port security 1/11/2024: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/2824/cosponsors 

Congressional Website – VOTED FOR HR 2882 – Hagerty amendment prohibiting taxpayer money being used for flying illegals into the US for resettlement. 3/23/2024: 


WATCH: FOX News Video – “…this administration is finding every way they can to throw open the border and grant mass amnesty…@ 0:53 6/5/2024: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6354371299112 

Candidate Website, Josh Hawley US Senate – “My bill would finally give states the ability to enforce federal immigration law and deport illegal immigrants. If Joe Biden won’t secure the border, then it’s time to give states the power to do it,” said Senator Hawley. 9/27/2022: https://www.hawley.senate.gov/new-hawley-bill-empower-states-deport-illegal-immigrants-protect-american-communities/ 

WATCH: KSDK News video – “Now as to that bipartisan border bill…It would allow 5000 people across the border every day. 5000 before you could close it. It would have increased the number of green cards by an astronomical number. It would have allowed; it would have mandated taxpayer funding for illegals lawyers. So, you bet I voted against it.” @14:05 9/20/2024: 


Senator Josh Hawley, Facebook – “A Harris administration would come with an open border, total amnesty for illegals, PLUS taxpayer-funded healthcare for them. 8/21/2024: 


Candidate Website, Josh Hawley for US Senate – “I am particularly alarmed at new reports suggesting that DHS plans to divert doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide free medical resources to those crossing our border illegally.” “… to provide migrants with free phones…” “to maximize the ability of illegal immigrants to apply for relief.” 4/6/2022: 


Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “And now Kamala wants to give these illegals taxpayer funded healthcare” 8/22/2024:  https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1826728801168228619 

Other, Tom Tiffany Website – (Josh Hawley) Was one of “16 Republican lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives is urging the Biden administration not to expend taxpayer funding providing healthcare for illegal immigrants under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.” 7/14/2023: 


WATCH: FOX News YouTube Video – “Worse than that she’s (Kamala Harris) in favor of gold-plated healthcare for all of those illegals and she wants it paid for with tax-payer funds.” @0:39 8/19/2024:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1xjrSclcgU 

WATCH: KSDK News Video – “Lucas Kunce opposes a border wall. Lucas Kunce wants amnesty for illegals in this country…he wants to put them…on Social Security and Medicare.” @14:31 9/20/2024:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FEu9oWFDY 

John Hawley, Twitter/X – “Kunce wants to see full amnesty for illegals and then he wants to bankrupt America’s Medicare and Medicaid programs to cover healthcare for them…” 9/20/2024:  https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1837244015949000753 

Article, Southeast Missourian – “We need to, No. 1, close the border so that we can secure this country. Get the illegals off of the streets, get them off of our benefits, get them off of our health care,” Hawley said.” 8/13/2024:  https://archive.ph/r3u2C 

10.) Congressional Website, Co-sponsored S.251 – Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2021 – This bill makes it a violation of federal law for a recipient of federal funds who operates, sponsors, or facilitates athletic programs or activities to permit a person whose sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls. 2/4/2021: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/251/cosponsors 

Congressional Website, VOTED FOR S.J.Res. 42 – A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code. Resolution submitted in response to Biden-Harris Exec Order 13988 on Title IX, directing federal agencies to review, revise, suspend, or rescind any agency policy that did not align with the admin sexual orientation and gender identity agenda. In this case, funding for school lunches could be stopped until schools complied with allowing boys in girls’ sports or girls’ bathrooms. 10/26/2023: 


Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “Of all Lucas Kunce’s nutty policies, this may be the worst: he wants MEN in girls’ sports. And MEN in girls’ locker rooms.” 9/5/2024: https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1831677008369057823 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “This is where the crazies who want men playing women’s sports are taking us” 8/1/2024:  https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1819076935127064685 

11.) Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “Right now in Missouri and across the country, politicians are trying to divide our communities by attacking trans people — trans leaders, trans troops, trans kids. KIDS. They’re trying to stop people from serving our country, playing sports, and even accessing needed healthcare.” 6/1/2021: https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1399762944389439489 

Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce – “That’s why we must act to pass the Equality Act, protect our kids by banning conversion therapy nationwide, and end the epidemic of violence against trans Americans.” https://web.archive.org/web/20220630071126/https://lucaskunce.com/issues/more/ 

12.) Congressional Website, Co-sponsored S.204 – Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act – This bill establishes requirements for the degree of care a health care practitioner must provide in the case of a child born alive following an abortion or attempted abortion 2/1/2023: 


WATCH:  Senator John Hawley YouTube – “Mister President, I rise in support of Senate Bill 130, which I am proud to co-sponsor. This legislation would ensure that healthcare providers treat babies born alive, after failed abortion attempts, with the same care they would treat any other baby born at the same stage of pregnancy.” 2/4/2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M33NOBb-IM 

WATCH: EWTN – Josh Hawley Born Alive Bill – “It’s incredibly disappointing. It’s really incredibly shocking. The idea that democrats will not agree to protect babies who are born in this country…even if they are survivors of abortion…they’re no different than anybody else.” @1:14 5/8/2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pouiaVq7iBo 

13.) Congressional Website, Co-Sponsored S.3035 – Protecting Our Kids from Harmful Research Act – This bill prohibits the use of federal funds for research or publications concerning gender transitions in individuals under the age of 18. 10/4/2023: 


Candidate Website, Josh Hawley US Senate – “I now write to request specific information and records relevant to the receipt and use of federal funds in connection with the Transgender Center.  Federal taxpayer dollars should never be used to perform gender-transition procedures on minors. If the Center has used federal funds for these purposes, the American people should know.” 2/16/2023: https://www.hawley.senate.gov/hawley-sends-new-letter-demanding-answers-federal-funding-washington-university-pediatric/ 

Article, The Kansas City Star – Hawley fundraising email warns against teaching kids there’s ‘more than one gender’…The email asks potential donors if they want to ‘keep Transgender Propaganda OUT of our classrooms today?’ 9/21/2022: 


Article, Reuters – Regarding the Equality Act (a bill that would criminalize biblical teachings on sexuality): Hawley said, “This bill puts an ultimatum to individuals, religious nonprofits, food banks, schools, charities adoption agencies and others: change your faith-based practices or face government punishment.” 3/17/2021: 


Article, Education Week – “Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., said his ‘Parents’ Bill of Rights Act’—introduced Tuesday, according to his office—would prohibit nondisclosure agreements concerning curriculum; let parents make copies of classroom material; require schools to have parents opt their children into field trips, assemblies, and other extracurricular activities; and in general require more transparency from school boards and educators concerning things like student records and safety.” 11/16/2021:  https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/parents-bill-of-rights-underscores-furor-over-curriculum-and-transparency-in-schools/2021/11 

14.) WATCH: KMOV St Louis – Questioned whether he would support a bill that prohibits classroom instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in Kindergarten through 3rd grades in public schools, Kunce replied, “…I think that we need to let teachers decide what to teach…I wouldn’t support that but I do think that I’m tired of people wanting the federal government to decide what’s goes on in the classroom…but no that’s not a bill I would support.” @22:46 7/18/2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UifCiymMLwM 

Article, ADVOCATE – “I don’t think she believes youth should get gender-affirming care and…I believe that’s dangerous to neglect a third of our trans youth who are at risk of losing this care,” he continued. “We have to have senators that are willing to fight for that care,” Kunce said.” 7/27/2022: https://www.advocate.com/politics/2022/7/27/dem-missouri-senate-candidate-flubs-trans-rights-position 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “Right now in Missouri and across the country, politicians are trying to divide our communities by attacking trans people — trans leaders, trans troops, trans kids. KIDS. They’re trying to stop people from serving our country, playing sports, and even accessing needed healthcare.” 6/1/2021:  https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1399762944389439489 

Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce Senate Issues – “That’s why we must act to pass the Equality Act, protect our kids by banning conversion therapy nationwide, and end the epidemic of violence against trans Americans.” 2024: https://web.archive.org/web/20220630071126/https://lucaskunce.com/issues/more/ 

15.) Congressional Website, VOTED FOR S.109 – No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2019 – 1/17/2019: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1161/vote_116_1_00007.htm 

Article, OzarksFirst News – “…I’m going to vote for the position that’s pro-life” 8/7/2024: 


Article, Springfield News Leader – “Hawley also criticized the bill for “funding abortion providers,” presumably referring to a $50 million spending item for family planning projects.” 3/6/2021:  https://www.news-leader.com/story/news/politics/2021/03/06/mo-missouri-senator-josh-hawley-roy-blunt-covid-19-biden-pandemic-aid-bill-vote-no-democrats/4612110001/ 

WATCH:  KSDS News – “I don’t support a nation wide ban. I do support reasonable federal restrictions…limits on abortion…like partial birth abortion. Like when the baby is capable of feeling pain. What I will not support is imposing on the state of Missouri and all other states abortion on demand through nine months of taxpayer funding.” @9:31 9/20/2024: 


16.) Article, Missouri Independent – Kunce said he supports Amendment 3. (The Amendment would legalize abortion up to the point of fetal viability and would allow late-term abortion to protect the health of the mother, including mental health.) 9/20/2024: 


Article, St. Louis NPR – “Kunce is supportive of abortion rights and is confident that Missourians will pass a constitutional amendment to protect them.” 7/29/2024: https://www.stlpr.org/show/st-louis-on-the-air/2024-07-29/lucas-kunce-missouri-senate-democrat-primary 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “Now we have a shot to end a total abortion ban and Josh Hawley’s crusade against our freedom.” 8/16/2024: https://x.com/lucaskuncemo/status/1824479046647861677 

WATCH: KSDK News – Missouri Senate Debate – “I’m gonna promise you right now. I will codify Roe versus Wade.” @7:55 9/20/2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FEu9oWFDY 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “End the filibuster. Codify Roe. Stop abortion bans.” 7/24/2024: 


Article, The Insider – “Kunce also wants Congress to undo the Hyde Amendment, a funding rider that prevents the federal government from paying for most abortions, particularly for low-income patients.” 7/13/2022:  https://archive.ph/4bgOp 

Article, OzarksFirst – “I promise you right now, I will vote to codify Roe vs. Wade,” Kunce said.” 8/7/2024:  https://www.ozarksfirst.com/your-local-election-hq/hawley-prepares-for-challenge-from-kunce-at-event-in-ozark/  

17.) Congressional Website, VOTED AGAINST S.1 – For the People Act of 2021 – to protect the right to vote by expanding access to the ballot box.  Congress also finds that States and localities have eroded access to the right to vote through restrictions on the right to vote including excessively onerous voter identification requirements, burdensome voter registration procedures, voter purges, limited and unequal access to voting by mail, polling place closures, unequal distribution of election resources, and other impediments. 8/11/2021: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1171/vote_117_1_00358.htm 

Article, VOA Associated Press – “Hawley spokeswoman Mary Compton said the attorney general’s office is “reviewing the ruling and will continue to vigorously defend Missouri’s commonsense voter ID law.” 10/9/2018:  https://www.voanews.com/a/judge-blocks-portions-of-missouri-voter-photo-id-law/4607146.html 

18.) Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce US Senate – “…supporting legislation like the DISCLOSE Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.” – This act would federalize elections and make states go through DOJ to change voting laws. Voter ID laws would be considered discriminatory. Voting by mail for all. 1/10/2024:  


Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “We need to end the filibuster. We need to pass the For The People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act” – The John Lewis Voting Rights Act would federalize elections. Voter ID laws would be considered discriminatory. Voting by mail for all.  For the People Act of 2021: Congress also finds that States and localities have eroded access to the right to vote through restrictions on the right to vote including excessively onerous voter identification requirements, burdensome voter registration procedures, voter purges, limited and unequal access to voting by mail, polling place closures, unequal distribution of election resources, and other impediments. 7/1/2021: https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1410665797144481805 

Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “Voting rights shouldn’t depend on the outcome of a lover’s quarrel between massive corporations and the politicians they buy. End the filibuster. Pass the For The People Act.” 4/6/2021: https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1379585858421059585 

19.) Congressional Website, VOTED FOR S.Res.417 – A resolution standing with Israel against terrorism 10/19/2023: 


Candidate Website, Josh Hawley US Senate – “We must stand together with Israel and against hateful, violent rhetoric that threatens the safety and security of Jewish Americans in the United States,” 2024:  https://www.hawley.senate.gov/senator-hawley-unveils-resolution-condemning-hamas-and-antisemitic-student-activities-college/ 

20.) Article, NewsWeek – “I think what happened on October 7 was an absolute abomination and a tragedy, and I think that Israel had a right to defend itself.” 8/16/2024: 


Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “These attacks on Israel by Hamas are horrifying. This is what war looks like, and the costs are always too high. America must support the efforts of Israel to defend its people and achieve a ceasefire.” 10/7/2023: https://x.com/lucaskuncemo/status/1710664361163760052 

21.) Congressional Website, VOTED AGAINST S.2938 – Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – (Sec. 12003) This section allows grants under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program to be used to implement state crisis intervention programs or initiatives, including mental health courts, drug courts, veterans’ courts, and extreme risk protection orderprograms (i.e., Red Flag Laws).  6/23/2022: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00242.htm 

Article, KSHB News – “Hawley said the focus of Congress shouldn’t be on “taking away Second Amendment rights from law-abiding citizens” and instead should be on prosecuting people who commit violent crimes.” 3/24/2021: https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/missouri-sen-josh-hawley-on-gun-reform-democrats-have-it-backwards 

Candidate Website – Josh Hawley US Senator –  “I will oppose all attempts to undermine the Second Amendment’s protections,” said Senator Hawley. “Americans have had enough of massive companies using their market power to drive ordinary people out of the public square. These practices must end.” 9/13/2022: 


22.) Article, KCUR NPR Kansas City – “When I go around Missouri, gun owners, non-gun owners, Republicans, Democrats, independents, they all want the same thing and that’s to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals, teenagers and terrorists,’ Kunce said. ‘And, you know, real expanded background checks, which this doesn’t have, and real red flag protections, which this doesn’t have.” 7/9/2022:  https://www.kcur.org/politics-elections-and-government/2022-07-09/in-senate-race-democrat-lucas-kunce-pledges-fight-for-abortion-rights-stronger-action-on-guns 

WATCH: KMOV St. Louis YouTube – “…I want…some sort of age limit. I want expanded background checks and red flag protections which everybody can agree on…” @23:23 7/18/2022:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UifCiymMLwM 

Article, St. Louis Post-Dispatch – “I’d vote to end the filibuster so we can actually pass universal background checks and keep weapons of war … out of the hands of people who want to kill our children and turn our schools into war zones,” 5/25/2022: https://archive.ph/Dd67T 

23.) Congressional Website, VOTED AGAINST H.R.8404 – Respect for Marriage Act – undermines religious liberty by failing to protect individuals, churches, or any organization that honors traditional marriage. The bill creates the potential of religious nonprofits and other tax-exempt organizations being targeted with lawsuits or having their tax-exempt status revoked. 11/29/2022: https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00362.htm 

Congressional Website, Co-sponsored S.J.Res.36 – A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs of the Department of Labor relating to “Rescission of Implementing Legal Requirements Regarding the Equal Opportunity Clause’s Religious Exemption Rule”. 6/22/2023: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-joint-resolution/36/cosponsors 

Candidate Website, Josh Hawley US Senate – “Your Department has decided to turn Catholic congregations into front organizations for the FBI, and when asked about it, you’ve decided to fudge the truth before Congress,” wrote Senator Hawley. “This is an unconscionable assault on American Catholics’ First Amendment rights and an abdication of your duty to enforce the law without fear or favor. Everyone involved with this chilling surveillance campaign must face accountability.” 4/17/2023:  https://www.hawley.senate.gov/hawley-demands-answers-garland-false-testimony-doj-infiltration-churches/#:~:text=%22Your%20Department%20has%20decided%20to,Congress%2C%22%20wrote%20Senator%20Hawley. 

Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “Another day, another Biden judicial nominee who thinks churches should be closed. This one supported locking down churches during COVID – but keeping Walmart and Lowe’s open” 7/31/2024: https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1818666291680436571 

Other – Becket Religious Liberty for All, Josh Hawley – “During his time at Becket, Josh was part of the team that won two major U.S. Supreme Court cases: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, a decision that protected the right of religious individuals to run their family businesses according to their beliefs, and Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC, a unanimous victory that secured the right of churches to choose their own ministers free from undue government interference.”  https://www.becketlaw.org/staff/josh-hawley/ 

24.) Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce “[W]e must act to pass the Equality Act, protect our kids by banning conversion therapy nationwide, and end the epidemic of violence against trans Americans.” (The Equality Act would criminalize biblical teachings on sexuality, impose hiring practices on churches, nonprofits and others that violate religious beliefs, etc.) This site was scrubbed prior to this posting but we have an archive of the original statement upon request. https://web.archive.org/web/20220630071126/https://lucaskunce.com/issues/more/ 

25.) Josh Hawley, Twitter/X – “Dems pledge to give govt healthcare to illegal immigrants but TAKE AWAY healthcare from citizens who get it through their employers. And open the border for good measure. Because that will really help workers. The Dem Party is totally off the rails” 6/28/2019:  https://x.com/HawleyMO/status/1144645417470218240 

Candidate Website – Josh Hawley US Senate – “’Medicare For All’” And ‘Single-Payer’ Are Interchangeable. Also called ‘single-payer’ over the years, ‘Medicare for all’ reflects a longtime wish among liberals for a government-run system that covers all Americans. With Republicans in charge of Congress and the White House, it has little chance. (‘Medicare For All’ Would Cost $32.6 Trillion Over 10 Years, Study Says,’ Bloomberg, 7/30/18)”  9/13/2018: https://joshhawley.com/setting-record-straight-mccaskills-latest-ad/ 

26.) Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “Pleasantly surprised to see I’m not the only candidate for U.S. Senate in Missouri who supports universal healthcare!” 8/4/2021: 


Lucas Kunce, Twitter/X – “I’ll protect and support LGBTQ+ Americans. That means banning discrimination and ending the epidemic of anti-trans violence — but also achieving universal healthcare, empowering workers, and investing in communities instead of corporate profits.” 1/1/2021:  https://x.com/LucasKunceMO/status/1399762951108808706 

Candidate Website, Lucas Kunce US Senate – “We need a universal health care system that empowers everyday people, not corporations seeking profit.” This page was scrubbed from the candidate’s website. We have archived the original post.) https://web.archive.org/web/20220630071126/https://lucaskunce.com/issues/more/ 

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