2024 North Carolina Governor Voter Guide Footnotes

1.) Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “Any regulation in any industry that hinders business and does not provide meaningful impact on customer protection MUST BE removed.” Part 7 of my 10-point Economic Plan 8/22/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1826678205039685726?t=vJBUxyzec0LLA2yT_UoWuA&s=19

Mark Robinson’s 10 point Economic Plan – “Opportunity for All” – #7 Reform the Regulatory System, “Red tape from overly burdensome regulations hinders economic growth…ensure companies are acting in a responsible manner…every one playing by the same rules…” 2024: https://files.constantcontact.com/d9c07e31901/ae5e4ca7-102b-44e5-a223-b0e0d5ef53a3.pdf?rdr=true

Mark Robinson’s 10 point Economic Plan – “Opportunity for All” – #8 Stop Ideologically Driven Investing, “We must do everything to stop ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) from harming our state’s taxpayers.” 2024: https://files.constantcontact.com/d9c07e31901/ae5e4ca7-102b-44e5-a223-b0e0d5ef53a3.pdf?rdr=true

Mark Robinson, Facebook – “Families…struggling to make ends meet…’Inflation Reduction Act’ has done nothing to stop the bleeding.” 6/20/2024: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Yv7us5qZQFLKiE8t/

2.) Josh Stein, Twitter/X – “…Inflation Reduction Act…accelerating our transition to a clean energy economy…& creates good jobs…” 9/27/2022: https://x.com/JoshStein_/status/1574823367726829575

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…called on the EPA to regulate emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)…” 7/16/2021: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1416030146834927618

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…pushing for better fuel economy standards in new vehicles to reduce harmful emissions…” 11/1/2021: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1455264788536123392

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…urging EPA to put in place stronger environmental protections…to fight climate change.” 7/7/2023: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1677413373355470855

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…taken action to ensure federal environmental protections…promote clean energy, including greenhouse gas emissions limits, vehicle emission standards and power plant emissions.” 9/30/2022: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1575932313934139392

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “The Clean Power Plan set the first national limits on climate change pollution…” 11/1/2018: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1058029270273064960

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “Trump Admin decision to roll back coal regulations: ‘This is outrageous’…” 8/21/2018: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1031966161414565888

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…families with children are eligible for child tax credit payments under the American Rescue Plan…” 11/5/2021: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1456736751976857600

Josh Stein, Twitter/X – “…I’ll continue to fight to build on Medicaid expansion for greater access…affordable health care.” 12/1/2023: https://twitter.com/JoshStein_/status/1730629256311415136

3.) Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “A vote for…@JoshStein is a vote for amnesty for illegal immigrants and turning NC into a sanctuary state.” 6/3/2024: https://twitter.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1797787661739937836

Mark Robinson, Facebook – “Sanctuary Cities – NO” 9/15/2020: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/WhoiTsn4LVKGkUZo/

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “14 states are suing to stop…amnesty that provides a pathway to citizenship…I will partner…to put an end to this madness.” 8/23/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1827043709025972417

Mark Robinson, Facebook – “Josh Stein says that North Carolina doesn’t have sanctuary cities…that’s not true” 7/12/2024: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/4HekcJFwVv7XeaQr/

4.) WATCH: C-Span video clip – “You hear a lot about sanctuary cities but I just don’t think it’s real” @19:40 1/17/2018: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5113119/user-clip-josh-stein-sanctuary-cities-real

WATCH: North Carolina Channel – Front Row, YouTube – AG Josh Stein on Illegal Immigration – “We can’t have free flowing borders…The DACA kids…they want nothing more than to help our country, which is their country…we need to give them security.” 12/22/2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOGQo-fxJUI

WATCH: C-Span video – NC Attorney General Josh Stein on State Issues “There are no sanctuary cities in North Carolina” @3:00 1/17/2018: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4708746/nc-attorney-general-josh-stein-state-issues

Josh Stein, Facebook – “…Trump administration tried to kill DACA, my office has been in court defending the right of these young people to stay in America. I will continue to do so…Long past due for Congress to act on immigration reform.” 7/17/2021: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Q2yd97GFAb3gRgK2/

5.) Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “BUILD the pipelines…” 5/14/2022: https://twitter.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1525458593935409155

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “I will always fight for…our state’s energy future. Support American Energy Independence.” 7/24/2023: https://twitter.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1683589600692916225

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “…advocating for responsible development of affordable American energy.” 4/3/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1775597766699356337

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “Today…put a stop to approving gas export terminals…The administration is sticking it to North Carolina residents every chance they get, and natural gas is one our top sources of energy.” 6/26/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1750941038611517808

6.) NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…must be proactive in protecting and safeguarding our environment from the alarming effects of climate change. AG…supported efforts to regulate methane emissions from oil and gas…” 2/15/2023: https://twitter.com/NCAGO/status/1625931171115970560

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “Quoted AG Copper on fracking…’Speculators are buying rights to drill now, strong protections needed ASAP’” 6/5/2012: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/210087857749098496

NC Senate Website, SB 76 Roll Call #830 – Domestic Energy Jobs Act – Voted Against – Amends hydraulic fracturing requirements and authorizes Off-Shore Drilling 7/23/2013: https://www.ncleg.gov/Legislation/Votes/RollCallVoteTranscript/2013/S/830

Josh Stein, Twitter/X – “…opposition to off-shore oil & gas drilling” 2/4/2018: https://x.com/JoshStein_/status/960191628307812353

7.) Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “…most radical Democratic ticket in our nation’s history…From pushing taxpayer funded handouts for illegal immigrants…sex changes surgeries for minors…North Carolinians won’t be fooled…” 8/6/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1820833172692648340

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “…my opponent, @JoshStein would rather your tax dollars be used to provide healthcare to illegal immigrants.” 8/14/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1824139948251025549

8.) Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “Josh Stein can’t resist the allure of overregulation…urging the EPA to tighten the grip on our cars.” 7/8/2023: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1677753556370173956

WATCH: Citizen Free Press video – “People are talking about electric cars…foolishness …God blessed us with oil for a reason.” 9/15/2023: https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1702843079034634465

9.) NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…filed a motion defending…greenhouse gas and zero emissions vehicle standards” 5/20/2022: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1527704049423900672

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…John Stein submitted a comment letter urging the EPA to put into place stronger environmental protections to limit…greenhouse gas and other pollutant emissions…” 7/7/2023: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1677413373355470855

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…had taken action to ensure federal environmental protections that will promote clean energy…” 9/30/2022: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1575932313934139392

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “The Clean Power Plan set the first national limits on climate change pollution from existing fossil fuel power plants” 11/12018: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1058029270273064960

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…filed testimony with the North Carolina Utilities Commission calling for stronger clean energy approach…” 9/30/2022: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1575932312147005441

10.) Article, NewsMax – “…Biological Men in Women’s Sports Is Insane” 8/18/2023: https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/womens-sports-mark-robinson-transgender/2023/08/18/id/1131268/

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “…Radical Democrat ticket… pushing tax-payer funded…dangerous sex change surgeries for minors…North Carolinians won’t be fooled.” 8/6/2024: https://x.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1820833172692648340

WATCH: Washington Examiner Video Facebook – North Carolina Lt. Gov. speech on Transgender agenda in schools – “…smashes transgender agenda being taught in schools” “That ain’t no place, at no school…2+2 don’t equal transgender…It equals 4.” @1:08 4/5/2022: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=528148388720601

11.) NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “Josh Stein has joined a coalition…supporting the inclusion of transgender women and girls in women’s sports” 12/23/2023: https://twitter.com/NCAGO/status/1341823385895133184

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…our fight to protect LGBTQ NC’ians all year…called on US Senate to pass the Equality Act…” 6/30/2021: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1410336263203344386

12.) Article, Queen City News, Charlotte, NC – “Where do Mark Robinson and other NC governor candidates stand on abortion” – “We’ve got it down to 12 weeks. The next goal is to get it down to six…and just keep moving…” 2024: https://www.qcnews.com/news/politics/election/north-carolina-elections/where-do-mark-robinson-and-other-nc-governor-candidates-stand-on-abortion/amp/

Mark Robinson, Twitter/X- “…@Josh Stein confirmed that he supports late term abortion …that’s extreme and out of step with the people of North Carolina” 4/10/2024: https://twitter.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1778211388726407456

13.) Article, 11abcNews – “Abortion in North Carolina could be impacted after rulings in Arizona, Florida” – “Stein clarified his view…which would allow legalized abortion up until ‘viability’ which is usually around 24-28 weeks.” 4/10/2024: https://abc11.com/abortion-impact-nc-court-rulings-arizona-florida-post-roe-v-wade/14643389/

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “The Supreme Court decision today…strips women of their power to control their own bodies…” 6/28/2022: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1541848009570299904

Josh Stein, Twitter/X – “I will do whatever I can to defend our state’s pro-choice law” 6/28/2022: https://x.com/JoshStein_/status/1541979582932418560

14.) Mark Robinson, Facebook – “Josh Stein attacks commonsense Voter ID Law” 7/20/2023: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/Ad1fSYB8NQppDFpu/

Article, North Carolina News – “Mark Robinson, Josh Stein trade attacks on North Carolina voter ID, 2020 election” Mark Stein restated his commitment to voter ID 7/24/2023: https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/mark-robinson-josh-stein-trade-attacks-on-north-carolina-voter-id-2020-election/

WATCH: House Judiciary GOP video, Twitter/X- “Black voices are being kept out. How? …by requiring a free ID to secure the vote…how absolutely preposterous.” 4/22/2021: https://twitter.com/JudiciaryGOP/status/1385231375998070787

15.) Article, North Carolina News Mark Robinson, Josh Stein trade attacks on North Carolina voter ID, 2020 election – “It was a tough decision…Voter ID at the polls ‘unjustified’…Voter integrity has been drummed up.” 7/24/2023: https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/mark-robinson-josh-stein-trade-attacks-on-north-carolina-voter-id-2020-election/

16.) Mark Robinson, Public Safety Plan- “…From ending cash bail to…defund the police…Josh Stein and Kamala Harris’ pro criminal, anti-law-enforcement must end…” 2024: https://assets.nationbuilder.com/district5ncgop/pages/4368/attachments/original/1724535736/Public_Safety_Plan.pdf?1724535736

17.) NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “Pre-trial bail works when we hold people based on the risk they pose…not the size of their bank account” https://twitter.com/NCAGO/status/1225785961726062592

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “…urges task force to consider recommending that fines and bail be set as a percentage of income” https://twitter.com/NCAGO/status/1291750443752796161

18.) Mark Robinson, Twitter/X – “I stand with Israel and the Jewish people” 2/28/2024: https://twitter.com/markrobinsonNC/status/1762841058008842471

19.) NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “The horrific stories we are all reading on Saturdays attack in Israel are hard to process…” 10/13/2023: https://twitter.com/NCAGO/status/1712927951220564448

Other, The Assembly Digital Magazine – How Jewish Democrats are Navigating 2024 – Stein said, “We Stand with Israel” in letter of solidarity to the Ashville Jewish Community. 6/24/2024: https://www.theassemblync.com/newsletter/josh-stein-jewish-politicians-2024/

20.) WATCH: YouTube, The Greenboro NC City Council Meeting – “It’s my constitutional right to own a firearm…The 2nd amendment was written for everybody and I am everybody.” 4/5/2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBEUlJZg5CY

WATCH: WRAL, YouTube Video- North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson speaks at NRA meetings in Texas – “I’m reminded why I believe in the 2nd amendment…SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED…that’s our motto.” @2:07 6/8/2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSIXHzB5eJU

21.) Article, The Fayette Observer NC Attorney general Tighten self-defense and gun laws” Calls for public safety campaigns…Red flag laws that allow courts to temporarily take firearms from people at risk” 7/25/2022: https://www.fayobserver.com/story/news/2022/07/26/naacp-nc-ag-says-tighten-self-defense-gun-laws-do-not-ban-abortion-josh-stein-fayetteville/10143843002/

NC Attorney General, Twitter/X – “Red flag laws allow people to go to court to protect their loved ones from harming themselves or others with a gun…so you petition a court to have a gun removed…” 6/27/2022: https://x.com/NCAGO/status/1541496581438029826

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