
NFL MVP, Rookie Of The Year Thank Jesus On Live TV

Feb 19, 2024

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Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson and Houston Texans quarterback C.J. Stroud both thanked their “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” while accepting awards at the NFL Honors show in Las Vegas, Thursday.

Jackson received the “Most Valuable Player” award on Thursday, while Stroud was crowned “Offensive Rookie of the Year.” Jackson received 49 of 50 first-place votes from a nationwide panel, according to CBN News. “First and foremost, I want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” Jackson said. “Without him, nothing is possible.”

Jackson is the 4th player in history to receive the MVP award before the age of 28,  joining the lives of Patrick Mahomes, Brett Favre, and Jim Brown, the outlet noted. (LEARN MORE: What NFL Stars Have To Say About Their Faith)

Stroud Didn’t Hold Back

After being censored for praising God by NBC earlier this year, Stroud didn’t hold back when it came to thanking Christ for his life. “First and foremost, I just want to give all glory and praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Following his censorship, Stroud said, “I wish that it wasn’t that but, you know, I pray for people and I think God has called us to love one another through thick and thin, mistakes or success. I just want to show love. We’re not all perfect as people, even myself. I follow the Lord, but I’m not perfect and I try to just be that light in a dark time.” (LEARN MORE: NFL Coach Starts Post-Game Conference With Bible Reading)

“I think God has called us to really just be a light to one another and just show love,” he noted. “I just pray for people and I don’t have any ill will or any anger to that. I wish that it wasn’t that, but, I’m just being myself always. I grew up in the church and I found Christ in myself and I’m just trying to get better and I just want people to feel the love that I felt from God. So, I don’t feel any ill will about it, it’s all love.”

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