
Ohio’s Issue 1 Gives Predators More Rights Than Parents

Nov 8, 2023

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Ohio’s Issue 1 essentially denies parents the ability to protect their children from predators and industries predominantly favored by the Democratic Party and its funders, and it passed into law on Tuesday.

Ohio voters passed a constitutional amendment on Tuesday night that enshrines abortion as a right for all those in the state, according to the Ohio Capital-Journal. But the law is far more dangerous than Ohio’s voters were ever led to believe.

“In reality, Issue 1 empowers predators to victimize young girls twice, sexually exploiting them and then using abortion to dispose of the evidence. Sadly, Ohio has already proven this,” writes Ben Johnson of the Washington Stand.

Ohio’s Daughters Are In Danger

These horrific crimes against children have already happened in Ohio. In 2003, 21-year-old soccer coach, John Haller, started sexually assaulting his 13-year-old female student. The child fell pregnant by Haller, who then posed as her father to get an abortion at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Thanks to the passage of Issue 1, Haller’s actions would now leave parents completely in the dark about their child’s sexual and reproductive care.

“There are physiological, psychological, emotional consequences of abortion, and the pro-abortion side doesn’t ever want to talk about that,” Radiance Foundation founder Ryan Bomberger told Tony Perkins on Washington Watch. “That’s why when they say things like, ‘It’s no different than having a tooth pulled,’ well, there aren’t support groups for people who have their teeth pulled, but there are many hundreds if not thousands of support groups across the United States for those who are post-abortive.”

Stop Issue 1 In Your State: Protect Your Children

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