
Oreo’s Ties to Trans Activities Exposed

Feb 10, 2024

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Nonprofit watchdog the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) published a video and press release Wednesday detailing how Oreos — the cookie brand — has an “inappropriate relationship” with an LGBTQ+ organization called PFLAG.

PFLAG allegedly pushed for sexually explicit books to be allowed in schools and has lobbied against protecting minors from irreversible mutilation surgeries, according to the Washington Stand. The news comes amid NLPC’s corporate integrity project. (LEARN MORE: Biden Administration Study Finds Lesbian, Gay, And Bisexual Americans More Likely To Suffer From Major Depression)

“NLPC owns stock in Oreo’s parent company, Mondelez International, and will sponsor a shareholder proposal at the annual meeting in May. The nonprofit corporate watchdog and shareholder activist initiated its campaign to highlight the cookie-maker’s inappropriate relationship with PFLAG after it noticed the brand’s social media accounts – primarily on X.com (formerly Twitter) – were heavily populated with posts in support of PFLAG’s various narratives, causes and social advocacy,” the press release reads (including associated links).

Oreos Pushing The Trans Agenda?

NLPC also published an enormous list of tweets sent by Oreo’s official account since May 2021 that appear to show a close relationship with PFLAG.

“Oreo is a beloved brand with a strong identity and a reputation for connecting with all ages, especially kids because it’s not only delicious, but fun,” NLPC director Paul Chesser said in the statement. “Now the cookie’s image managers are taking it down the same dangerous path that Bud Light, Disney, and Target have trodden, which led to extensive brand destruction. We urge Mondelez to terminate Oreo’s controversial relationships before it’s too late.”

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