
Poll Shows Trump Conviction Could Sway One Voter Group

Mar 19, 2024

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A Politico Magazine /  Ipsos poll found in March that most Americans would not be influenced in their support of former President Donald Trump if he were convicted at a criminal trial in New York.

The poll found that 44% of respondents would be unbothered by a conviction of Trump, whereas 36% of Independent voters would be less likely to support Trump if he was found guilty throughout the course of the trial, according to Newsmax analysis. At least 13% of respondents said they’d be more likely to support the former President if he were found guilty, but this is a minority compared to the overall 32% who said they’d be less likely.

“Roughly half of the respondents believe Trump is guilty of the alleged crimes in the sensitive documents case (52%), falsifying business records case (50%), federal 2020 election subversion case (49%), and Georgia election subversion case (49%), the poll results show,” Newsmax noted. (LEARN MORE: The AP Finds 63% Doubt Biden’s Mental Capacity)

Big Political Divide

“However, while a majority of Democrats say they believe Trump is guilty in all four cases (86%, 86%, 87%, and 86%, respectively), few Republicans think the same (16%, 14%, 12%, and 12%),” the outlet continued. “A majority of independents, though, believe Trump is guilty in the four cases (58%, 54%, 54%, and 53%), according to the poll.”

A Siena College poll released by the New York Times in early March found that 73% of Americans believe President Joe Biden is “too old to be an effective president,” which is quite the shift from the number of those who supported him in the most recent poll. (LEARN MORE: Supreme Court To Hear Ultimate Free Speech, Censorship Case)

The NY Times said the poll results were a “grave threat” to Biden’s reelection, particularly as 61% of Democrats who voted for him in 2020 agreed that he was far “too old” to do his job for another four years, Newsmax reported. Former President Donald Trump also brought up the poll during his Saturday night campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia.

Tell Your Lawmakers How Important Free Elections Are To You

Despite Biden’s plummeting polling numbers, many states are still trying to remove candidates from the ballot. Are you worried your state will try and remove Trump from the ballot? Tell us today. Sign up for www.millionvoices.org today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed, and share the love today.

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