
Pro-Palestinian Protestors Try To Storm DNC

Nov 16, 2023

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A group of pro-Palestinian protestors tried to storm the Democratic National Committee offices Wednesday night and ended up in a violent clash with law enforcement.

“U.S. Capitol Police said they were making arrests at a pro-Palestinian protest on Wednesday night in Southeast D.C.,” NBC Washington reported. “The protesters had gathered outside of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) just south of the Capitol before authorities said several dozen demonstrators got into a shoving match with officers.”

Politicians were evacuated from the office as the fights broke out. “Was just evacuated from the #DNC after pro-terrorist, anti-#Israel protestors grew violent, pepper spraying police officers and attempting to break into the building. Thankful to the police officers who stopped them and for helping me and my colleagues get out safely,” California Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman said, according to Breitbart. 

What Do These Protestors Want?

Aside from having nothing more constructive to do than fight with police and scream at people, the protestors seemed to focus on the DNC … as if they’d prefer Republicans to prevail in the next elections, Sherman noted. Videos shared on social media show the utter chaos and violence at the DNC offices. (LEARN MORE: Explosive Device Discovered At Border As Senator Issues Serious Warning)

A ‘Sign Of Things To Come’

Pro-war lies will spread like wildfire as this international chaos continues. Millions of people will be subjected to false narratives, doctored images, and videos, and who knows what other types of lies to get the U.S. more involved in these wars? (LEARN MORE: Pastor Greg Laurie Speaks Of Biblical Prophecy Fulfillment Over Israel-Hamas War)

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