Revival: God is on the Move

“Return us to You, O Lord, so that we may be restored; Renew our days as of old.” (Lamentations 5:21)

God created us with a desire for growth and renewal that can only be found in Him.

Psalm 51:10 says, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” When thinking of “revival,” these words come to mind; rebirth, reawakening, refreshment, rebuilding, return, reenergizing, reconciliation, restoration, reflection, repentance, and resolution. These words can have different meanings, triggering an emotional connection to a personal situation or something our souls experience through an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. But they all describe how His Spirit breathes new life into the different areas of our lives in order to grow us in our faith and our effectiveness. Revival in Christ brings to life to what is dead and dormant, reawakening us from spiritual stagnancy and stirring passion and a desire to share the good news of His salvation with the world. It is a powerful renewed movement of the Spirit that burns deeply in our hearts for Jesus!

Currently, Asbury University in Kentucky is experiencing its 14th day of revival, which was sparked by the Holy Spirit’s outpouring during a routine chapel service! Since its beginning, busloads of students from approximately 30 colleges have arrived to participate in these spirit-filled services. Multiple universities and towns worldwide are breaking out into revivals. How incredibly refreshing it is to see SO MANY young people moving to embrace the fullness and glory of God…globally!

Coincidently, February is American Heart Month. While it is intended as a reminder of the importance of doing a physical “heart check,” it is also a good reminder that a proper assessment of our spiritual heart condition is critical to our health. As a nation, our spiritual condition, many would agree, seems critically unhealthy. But there is encouraging news! Historically, revival has often surfaced when times were most grim!

Jesus is our Light in the Darkness—our Way-Maker! There is forgiveness, hope, and healing in the name of Jesus! When we, as people and a nation, humble ourselves, seek His face, and turn from our sinful ways, He PROMISES to restore our land and refresh our spirits. He will remove our hearts of stone and replace them with hearts that want more of Him and less of us. (Ezekiel 36) When God shows up, supernatural things happen! God IS on the move today. What an amazing time to be alive! How GREAT is our God!

Let’s pray for revival to spread to everyone on this earth, that they may experience God’s presence and power through the Holy Spirit during this time of awakening.

Father God, we lift Your name on high! We praise You for the gift You gave us through Your Son, Jesus! We come to You in prayer for revival—not only for this country, but for the world we live in. We are in wartime on multiple fronts, both spiritually and kinetically. We need the peace that only You can provide. We ask that Your presence be powerfully experienced on every college campus around the globe. May Your light penetrate through the darkness and reach the hearts of every student and staff member. We ask that You prepare hearts for the movement of the Holy Spirit this week, particularly on Thursday, the Collegiate Day of Prayer. Spread this awakening from campuses to churches, places of business, and homes. We need You! We submit and humble ourselves before You, Lord. We thank You for what You’re doing and are about to do! In the Mighty name of Jesus, we pray, Amen!

Tuesday, February 21st, 2023


Million Voices is a movement that gives voters and potential voters the foundation they need to confidently act from a biblical worldview.
