
Rockstar Warns We’re On The ‘Brink’ Of Civilization Collapse

Nov 10, 2023

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Lead singer of Christian crossover band Skillet, John Cooper, told “Washington Watch” that “we are in dire straits.”

“I am deeply concerned,” Cooper told the show. “We really are on the brink of Western civilization.” Cooper was on the show to promote his new book “Wimpy, Weak, and Woke,” a title that he admitted was provocative. Though he wasn’t ready for the amount of anger and hatred he’s received since its publication.

“I wasn’t trying to shock anybody. I have deep love and concern for people. I care about their souls. I care about their kids. I care about their kids being raised in a country that is free and where you can express your religion — you can say what you want to say,” he continued.

Alarmist … or True?

“[They] were saying, ‘This is so alarmist. We’re not about to be destroyed.’” Less than two weeks later, “the Israel massacre happens,” he continued. “And immediately following that, college students start cheering on the butchering of innocent people, the butchering of babies, the rape of women, and so many normal people in America were saying, ‘How is this happening?’”

Cooper believes the church should have stayed out of culture and politics, and just focused on embodying and teaching a Christian worldview.

“We need to understand the philosophies behind this [woke ideology]. … It is PC culture on steroids. It is a way of seeing the world with an obsession for social justice,” he noted. “But it is not social justice based on Judeo-Christian values or the Western understanding of justice. It is social justice based on Marxism and this idea of oppression. … And basically, the biggest oppressor in that worldview is Western civilization rooted in Judeo-Christian ethics.”

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