School Board Sued By State For Hiding Trans Bathroom Policy From Parents

Oct 28, 2023

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Missouri’s Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing the Wentzville School District Board of Education over allegations its members hit a new transgender bathroom policy to avoid pushback from parents.

A school board member apparently said the policy decision was “not the parents business,” prompting two other members to come forward as whistleblowers, according to the Washington Stand. Bailey alleged the other members of the board violated Missouri’s Open Meetings Law, as deliberations over the policy took place in private.

“As a father of four, I’m especially passionate about parents’ ability to direct their children’s education. Missourians do not co-parent with the government. I am doing everything in my power to ensure parents aren’t left in the dark about who is in the bathroom with their children,” Bailey told the outlet. (LEARN MORE: Former Secretary Of Education Gives Emphatic Advice To Parents)

Strong Leadership Stands Tall

“When you consider the situation in Missouri, with an attorney general bravely defending children, parents, and parental rights, and contrast Missouri with California or New Jersey, whose attorneys general are attacking the school boards which try to defend parental rights regarding gender identity, we are able to see spiritual warfare taking the form of culture war politics,” Education Studies at Family Research Council senior fellow Meg Kilgannon said of the situation.

“This is why it is so important to pay attention to local government, especially school boards. Children deserve to be protected from evil and confusion. We cannot stand by and let government agencies be used to promote wicked worldviews that undermine people at the very core of themselves.”

Tell Your Elected Officials How Important Parental Rights Are Today

You can tell your local, state, and federal lawmakers how much you support parental rights today. You can protect the lives and mental health of children right now.

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