State Passes ‘Help Not Harm’ Bill For Children

May 7, 2024

South Carolina’s Senate voted Thursday to overwhelmingly support protections of minors against medical tyranny in the form of the transgender movement.

The state’s Help Not Harm bill (H. 4624) passed 28-8 and will now move to South Carolina’s statehouse, according to the Washington Stand. The bill is designed to protect minors from invasive medications and surgeries that can cause irreparable harm to young Americans who may have been manipulated into thinking they were born the wrong gender.

The purpose of the legislation that it “protects our culture and our society, not just protecting them from harm, but a complete violation of who they are, their identity,” Palmetto Family Council President Steve Pettit told the outlet. “It’s an acceptance of who we are by creation. It protects our whole society from accepting something that is not true.” (LEARN MORE: Catholic Bishops Issue Statement About Trans Medicine)

Language Is Key

The language of H. 4624 is very important and could potentially be recreated in every U.S. state. The legislation specifically protects children from puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries designed to remove their reproductive organs, the Washington Stand noted. There are a number of civil enforcement mechanisms in the bill that also make “genital gender reassignment surgery” on minors a felony offense, punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

Public funds — ie: YOUR MONEY — and Medicaid would be prohibited for gender-related surgeries. Parents would be notified if their child tries to change their identity at school. (LEARN MORE: Psychologists Apologize For Supporting Trans Children)

Democrats Crossing The Aisle

The bill initially passed in the statehouse in January in an 82-23 vote, but the Senate amended the language so the House must now reconsider and potentially approve amendments. These amendments include: “1) extended the Medicaid prohibition from youth gender transition procedures to all gender transition procedures, 2) required school officials to “immediately notify” parents if their child begins to identify as transgender at school, 3) clarified that the bill does not prohibit “appropriate medical services to a person for precocious puberty, prostate cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, or other procedure unrelated to gender transition,” and 4) added a severability clause.”

Thursday’s vote is the latest to show that Democrats are willing to cross the aisle to protect children from the harm caused by the transgender movement. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

24 States Want To Protect Children. Do You?

Did you know that you can lobby your local, state, and federally-elected representatives and officials every single day in the pursuit of protecting children from medical harm? And unlike just posting about your concerns on social media, Million Voices has developed the go-to system for contacting your officials in a way that they can’t ignore you.

You can tell your local, state, and federally elected officials exactly what you think about the transgender and Big Pharma movement against children today. By contacting your local representatives to share your disgust, fear, or frustration with the power claimed by medical institutions and government officials over your children and people suffering from mental illness in America, you can shift policy to protect America’s most valuable members!

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