States Poised To Post Ten Commandments In Schools

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South Dakota’s House Education Committee will vote Friday on whether public schools will be mandated to publicly display the Ten Commandments.
The state Senate voted on Tuesday (18-17) to move forward a bill that would mandate all public school classrooms display the Ten Commandments and have their historical significance be part of the curriculum, according to The Dakota Scout.
“These are historical principles that have been used in the tradition and founding of America,” said Republican state Sen. John Carley, who proposed the legislation.
What Does The Law Entail?
If passed, each classroom would have to display a three-part, roughly 225-word statement near the 8-by-14-inch posters of the Ten Commandments. The legislation would replace the existing language within South Dakota’s state law that allows school boards to choose whether or not they display the posters or something similar. (POPULAR POST: Trump, Vance Appear To Be Blindsided By Prayer Service ‘Lecture’)
Civic and history classes would also contain pertinent lessons on the historical significance of the Ten Commandments, presenting them “as a historical legal document, including the influence of the Ten Commandments on the legal, ethical, and other cultural traditions of Western civilization.”
Purpose Of The Bill
Like in many other states that are pushing through similar legislation, the purpose of the bill is to understand “where we came from as a country,” Republican state Sen. Lauren Nelson explained.
North Dakota is also deliberating a similar series of bills. In 2023, House Bill 1145 would also mandate the Ten Commandments be displayed, and “overwhelmingly passed the House and the Senate and was signed by Governor Burgum that would allow public schools to post the Ten Commandments with school board approval,” The Jamestown Sun reported in late January. (POPULAR: COVID-19 Vax For Legal Immigrants Dropped After Riley Gaines Post)
Texas first introduced the legislation, but the law still hasn’t been picked up in the state. Louisiana has passed the bill, while Kentucky lawmakers brought their own version to the attention of state citizens in late January.
The Ten Commandments
I am the Lord Your God … You Shall Love the Lord God With All Your Might
You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.
You Shall Not Use the Name of the Lord God in Vain
Remember the Lord’s Day and Keep It Holy
Honor Your Father and Mother
Do Not Murder
Do Not Commit Adultery
Do Not Steal
Do Not Lie
Do Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife or What Your Neighbor Has
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