“The Funniest Idea Ever!” – Could Elon Musk Purchase MSNBC?

Kathy Hutchins / Ralf Liebhold /Shutterstock.com
This article was originally written by Shay Bottomley for WokeSpy, Read in full here.
Comcast has announced it intends to realign its corporate oversight of NBCUniversal, creating major implications for networks such as MSNBC and CNBC.
The former has been under particularly scrutiny over the past year; a major shift to the left, openly admitted by a producer at the news network, has seen interest in left-wing media coverage plummet in the wake of the presidential election.
Under the new corporate structure, MSNBC and CNBC will technically be owned by different companies within the Comcast umbrella. In short, it’s selling the networks to a new company it has created, effectively differentiating the two from the remainder of Comcast’s content.
Read the FULL ARTICLE on WokeSpy by clicking here.

Frederic Legrand – COMEO / Shutterstock.com
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We just had an election where a lot of people lost their jobs, and a lot of new people are coming in to work for you, the American people. These elected officials don’t get to start their job until January 20th, 2025, so what do we do with this time until then?
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