
What Is The Current State Of US Politics?

Mar 2, 2024

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Million Voices CEO John Graves joined LTC. Allen West for an episode of “FLASHPOINT” in February to discuss the current state of U.S. politics.

“FLASHPOINT” host Gene Bailey asked West and Graves to give their takes on the current state of U.S. politics, and their responses will not disappoint. “I think that it is less about Republican and Democrat than it is about two very different philosophies of governance as constitutional conservatism, which believes the individual is sovereign because their rights come from a sovereign God, as opposed to progressive socialism and Marxism, [which] believe in secular humanism, moral relativism, and that man makes all the decisions about the individual, so I think that’s where we are,” West replied. (LEARN MORE: Gen Z Needs To Be ‘Bold’)

Graves Agrees

Graves agreed with West’s assessment, adding that he thinks there is a huge opportunity in this country “right now between those who are waking up, and going to use their voice and decide to do something in this cycle, instead of just saying ‘oh, there’s nothing we can do, we give up.'”

Graves used the example of mothers standing up against the transgender movement, which seeks to harm children both mentally and physically, and sometimes irrevocably. The border crisis and inflation are two other major issues where everyone in the country seems to be waking up to the damaging truth.

“There are people that are mad, that are taking that energy, and they’re going to us it for good,” Graves concluded. “That’s what I think is going to happen this cycle.” (LEARN MORE: What NFL Stars Have To Say About Their Faith)

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