
‘Baby Olivia’ Act Passes In Huge Win For Pro-Lifers

May 2, 2024

The state of Tennessee passed the “Baby Olivia” Act on April 23, requiring public schools to show their students the development of a child in their mother’s womb.

House Bill 2435 requires Tennessee schools to teach children about how they and other children are grown within their mother, a core scientific practice that shows how valuable every life to this world, according to the Washington Stand. Tennessee follows North Dakota in adopting this legislation, based on the video “Meet Baby Olivia.

The video is roughly three minutes long and shows the nine-month journey from conception to birth. This scientific process does not appear to be in line with what Democrats want young Americans to learn, with all Democrats opposing the legislation in Tennessee. All Republicans supported the law, so it was passed.

What Does The Bill State?

“A family life curriculum that directly or indirectly addresses human growth, human development, or human sexuality must include the presentation of a high-quality, computer-generated animation or high-definition ultrasound of at least three (3) minutes in duration that shows the development of the brain, heart, sex organs, and other vital organs in early fetal development, such as ‘Meet Baby Olivia,’ a high-quality, computer-generated animation developed by Live Action that shows the process of fertilization and the stages of human development inside the uterus,” the bill reads. It is unclear why this wasn’t part of the normal scientific curriculum until now, considering this is the process we all came from. (LEARN MORE: Biden-Harris Campaign Spends $25 Million On Pro-Abortion Ads)

“Tennessee is setting a precedent for other states to follow in prioritizing comprehensive education on human development by mandating state-of-the-art life-like animation explaining human development, like Live Action’s Baby Olivia video, in state education standards,” Live Action founder and president Lila Rose said of the bill’s passage. “Tennessee has joined North Dakota in setting the standard for a world-class education that ensures students are equipped with the knowledge they need. Tennessee has over 1 million public school students who will now be equipped with cutting-edge educational material on human development in the womb.”

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