
Billionaire Dem Donor Weighs US Radio Purchase

Apr 11, 2024

Reports surfaced in early April that a management fund started by billionaire Democrat supporter George Soros is considering purchasing the bankrupt Audacy, the nation’s second-largest radio company.

The Soros Management Fund, controlled by Soros’ nonprofit Open Society Foundation, is privately discussion the purchase of Audacy and other major radio providers that are barely surviving the modern world, according to a report published by Newsmax. One of the other major companies is Cumulus Media, with three different people at the company reportedly having spoken to Soros-controlled executives.

Soros is also talking to Pushkin, a podcast company, and Lemonada, Newsmax continued. The latter is said to be in the formal process of finding a buyer, but many potential backers have been turned away by the large price tag.

Why This Is A Worry

“I believe this sale is the latest in a series of moves by a partisan, progressive billionaire to consolidate control over the media and flood hundreds of radio stations with far-left ideology and propaganda,” Republican New York Rep. Nick Langworthy wrote in a letter to the FCC regarding the purchase. “Furthermore, I believe that what we could lose in the process is the unique lifeline that local radio brings through both local connection and diversity of thought that have been so important to Americans, particularly in recent years.” (LEARN MORE: Supreme Court To Hear Ultimate Free Speech, Censorship Case)

Soros-backed individuals and groups have contributed to the mass increase in progressive policies felt throughout our nation. “George Gascon of Los Angeles, Chesa Boudin of San Francisco, Kim Foxx of Chicago, Kim Gardner of St. Louis, Rachael Rollins of Boston, and Marilyn Mosby of Baltimore all made the same or similar campaign promises, and each turned out to be a disaster once they were elected district attorney,” the Heritage Foundation wrote of just a few of Soros’ political players.

Why We Need Diversity In Media

No two of us are made the same. God created each of us to shepherd this world during our time here. Part of our purpose is to ensure this place is better for the next generation. How could combining a majority of the media under one umbrella be a better thing for our future? It can’t. Consolidating this type of control under one individual can only lead to censorship of diverse voices.

Tell Your Lawmakers How Important This Issue Is For You

Mass censorship of conservatives, while revealing horrific, often abusive content to minors feels like part of the norm for most Big Tech companies, particularly under the Biden Administration. The state of Texas, via its Attorney General Ken Paxton, is suing the Biden Administration over the censorship of conservative views online. And you can tell your lawmakers you want them focused on fighting the abuse of children, including those appearing on Meta and other platforms. (LEARN MORE: Attendees Recite Lord’s Prayer At School Board Meeting After Attempted Censorship)

Here at MillionVoices, we’ve also figured out the easiest way to bypass Big Tech and ensure your lawmakers know how you feel about the world today, and what they need to be fighting for. Did you know that you, your family, and friends can send letters directly to your elected officials today?

Letter-writing campaigns, or even just a single letter, can be enough to sway policy. So what do you care about and want changed? Let us know, and we’ll send the letters to the right representatives for you.

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