
‘Catastrophic’ Rises In Early Death Reported In US

Dec 14, 2023

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An article published by The Hill, on Tuesday, detailed how the U.S. is experiencing a “catastrophic” decline in life expectancy.

Food and Drug Administration commissioner Robert Califf stated various factors, such as smoking, diet, chronic illness, and health care are the reasons why so many people are dying young across the country. But he ignored the fact these increases have taken place since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hill noted. (LEARN MORE: Biden Sued Over Conservative Censorship)

The article hit on at least 158,000 “excess” deaths in the first nine months of 2023, an increase from 2019 figures, mostly publicized by life insurance agencies. The healthcare system hasn’t raised a single alarm about this trend.

Deaths Hit Younger Generations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) decided to stop reporting excess deaths in September of 2023, the Hill stated. Most of the deaths occur amongst young people of working age.

Diseases that hit the liver, kidney, and cardiovascular system, and links to diabetes are predominantly to blame for deaths across America, as well as drug overdoses. But these haven’t increased among young people, so what is causing all of these young people to die? (LEARN MORE: Supreme Court To Hear Ultimate Free Speech, Censorship Case)

Censorship of the Data

The Hill pointed to a Yale study that found a significant, chronic post-vaccine syndrome. With more than 1 million adverse impacts from the COVID-19 vaccine rollouts reported via the VAERS system, The Hill seems to allude to the culprit. But most of you were probably unaware of this issue because any information related to health and deaths and COVID-19 is still censored online … for the most part.

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