
China Warns US About Activities In South China Sea

Mar 20, 2024

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China said in March that the U.S. has to stop “stirring up trouble” and taking sides on the South China Sea issue, according to Newsmax.

The warnings from China come days after Secretary of State Antony Blinken said a security deal with Manila would also extend to attacks along the Philippine coast. The deal was called “ironclad” by Blinken, who noted China’s actions in the South China Sea were triggering a large international response. (LEARN MORE: Chinese State-Owned Company Ordered To Give Up Land In One State)

However the Chinese embassy in the Philippines said Wednesday that their activities were “legitimate and lawful,” and accused Blinken of ignoring the facts to “baselessly accuse China.” It further reiterated previous comments that Blinken has “threatened China with the so-called U.S.-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty obligations,” which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) vehemently opposes.

Threatening Peace?

China believes the U.S. is threatening peace and stability in the South China Sea, despite not being a party to the problems there. However, the U.S. and Philippines are bound under the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty, meaning both sides must support each other in the event of an attack. In 2023, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr asked the U.S. to clarify the extent of that commitment. (LEARN MORE: We’re In A ‘New Cold War’ With China, Republican Says)

China disagrees with the agreement, saying the U.S. has no legal right to intervene on any maritime issues within the body of water. “The U.S. keeps saying that it wants to safeguard freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, but in fact it wants to guarantee the freedom of navigation of U.S. warships. The fact that U.S. warships and planes traveled thousands of miles to China’s doorstep to flaunt their might and provoke trouble is an out-and-out hegemonic activity,” the embassy noted.

Holding China Accountable

Our current leadership may not understand the importance of holding China accountable for its repeated attacks on the U.S., but that just means you need to choose new lawmakers and politicians who will. (LEARN MORE: China’s Stealth Invasion Of America Is Happening Now, Experts Warn)

If you want your local, state, and federal government to fight China’s negative impact on America, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for www.millionvoices.org today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on our current world war.

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