Dr. Phil Says Pro-Hamas College Groups Are ‘Intellectual Rot’

Oct 28, 2023

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Dr. Phil released a video in October where he called out colleges for allowing pro-Hamas student groups to erupt in the wake of the terror organization’s mass attacks against Israel and the Palestinian people.

“The Hamas invaders were not soldiers; they were assassins,” Dr. Phil said in the video. “The Hamas charter calls for the ultimate annihilation of all Israeli Jews, followed by the annihilation of Jews around the world. Sound familiar? Sadly, some people — including some right here in America — actually celebrated the slaughter and blamed those being murdered, raped, and kidnapped.”

Calling Out Colleges

“Many of America’s most respected elite universities are not only indulging but actually endorsing sanctioned student organizations holding celebrations for the murders,” he continued. (LEARN MORE: FBI Director Says Terror Threat Is Growing In US After Hamas Attacks)

“Americans nationwide have been appalled and shocked. The leadership of these supposedly highly sophisticated schools are so busy virtue signaling and coddling students who think that words are violence but [actual physical] violence — horrific, inhumane violence — is social justice that they have forgotten it is their job to teach their students to think and to test reality.”

“Instead of training tomorrow’s leaders, they are profoundly demagnetizing our culture’s moral compass among the college population.

Take A Stand Against Terrorism

You haven’t been indoctrinated by the corporate media, Big Government, or the lies you’ve heard online. You know right from wrong, and you know supporting any type of terror organization is a fundamental wrong. Make sure your lawmakers know how you feel.

If you want your local, state, and federal government to do something about the growing support for Hamas and other terrorist organizations, it’s time to use your voice. Sign up for Change.MillionVoices today (text MV to 80550). And share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed on how the President is failing to protect Americans.

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