
Faith Inspires RomCom Actor

Feb 5, 2024

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Actor Jesse Hutch, who many of you know from your favorite romantic comedies, sat down with CBN to discuss his faith and how it inspires everything he does.

“If you say you believe something, then live that out,” Hutch told the outlet. “Live it out in your marriage, live it out at your workplace, live it out in your community, live it out in your finances, your parenting, how you handle strangers. … just live that out.”

Though he says that no one is perfect, believing in God and trying to live out His values is the most important thing about human life. And Hutch’s spiritual growth has been an active part of his success and his journey. (LEARN MORE: Hulk Hogan Shares Baptism On Social Media)

Passing Faith On To The Next Generation

“I want to affect my children,” Hutch continued. “I want to touch the community, and so there are a lot of angles that you’ve got to think of, and so you really need direction in that, and you have to have a base.” That base? Faith.

Hutch’s goal is to “love others while standing for his beliefs,” something we can all subscribe to as we move through the rest of our lives. (LEARN MORE: ‘God Played Through Me’: RB Donovan Edwards)

“For me, personally, I really want to kind of love everybody … where they’re at and what they’re doing,” he said. “And yet, at the same time, really know what I believe and stay established in that so that I don’t just fall over when someone has an idea or opinion.”

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