
National Guard Deployed To Subway Stations

Mar 8, 2024

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The National Guard was deployed in New York City Wednesday after Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered them to assist law enforcement in mitigating crime.

“For people who are thinking about bringing a gun or knife on the subway, at least this creates a deterrent effect. They might be thinking, ‘You know what, it just may just not be worth it because I listened to the mayor and I listened to the governor and they have a lot more people who are going to be checking my bags,’” Hochul said at a press conference, according to The Associated Press.

“No one heading to their job or to visit family or to go to a doctor’s appointment should worry that the person sitting next to them possesses a deadly weapon,” she added, NY Daily News reported. “They shouldn’t worry about whether someone’s going to brandish a knife or a gun.” (LEARN MORE: Biden Ignores Christian Massacres For 3rd Year In A Row)

Hochul is also weighing plans to ban people from subways for three years if they’re convicted of assaulting another passenger. Cameras are also being installed in certain cabins to protect transit workers and conductors.

Some Disagree With Hochul

New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman said the plan is “another unfortunate example of policymaking through overreaction and overreach.” (LEARN  MORE: Ben Carson’s Terrifying Warning)

“Sound policy making will not come from overreacting to incidents that, while horrible and tragic, should not be misrepresented as a crime wave and certainly don’t call for a reversion to failed broken windows policies of the past,” Lieberman furthered.

Not Just Subways

A further 250 state and MTA police officers will also be present at subway stations to help search bags. These checks are said to be far less than demanded at airports, and none of the officers will actually be patrolling the trains. (LEARN MORE: Democratic City Alderman Says Open Border Caused Crime Surge)

New York is currently dealing with a huge influx of illegal immigrants. Some of these individuals have caused a “crime wave” throughout the city. “It doesn’t matter if a person is a migrant, asylum or if the person is a long-term New Yorker. You break the law, it’ll be investigated, and it will be handled by our criminal justice system,” Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams said, CBS News reported. “You should not be allowed to walk the streets of the city of New York if you are committing any form of criminal behavior that’s impacting the quality of life of New Yorkers.”

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