
Putin Prefers Biden Over Trump: ‘More Predictable’

Feb 16, 2024

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Russian President Vladimir Putin told Russian media that he would prefer President Joe Biden to serve a second term because he is “old school” and “more predictable” than former President Donald Trump.

“[Biden] is a more experienced, predictable person. He is a politician of the old school. But we will work with any leader of the United States, who is trusted by the American people,” Putin told Rossiya 1 TV, according to Breitbart. “When I met with Biden in Switzerland — it was, indeed, a few years ago, three years — even then there were talks about him being incompetent. I saw nothing of the sort. Yes, he glanced at his notes. Honestly, I glanced at mine too. There’s nothing to it.”

Putin noted how he feels the talk of Biden’s cognitive decline is “overdone.” But Breitbart noted that Putin seemed to wait until Biden’s presidency to invade Ukraine.

Washington’s ‘Harmful’ Position On Russia

Putin said he was more concerned about Washington’s “extremely harmful and erroneous” position on Russia than he was Biden’s mental capabilities. (LEARN MORE: Biden Ignores Christian Massacres For 3rd Year In A Row)

White House Response

“Mr. Putin should stay out of America’s elections,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said following Putin’s commentary. (LEARN MORE: GOP Impeaches Mayorkas Over Border)

But should we be worried about a Russian invasion? According to Putin himself, this is out of the question. “It is absolutely out of the question. You just don’t have to be any kind of analyst. It goes against common sense to get involved in some kind of a global war and a global war will bring all humanity to the brink of destruction. It’s obvious,” the president told Tucker Carlson in a recent interview, after being asked about potentially invading Poland.

What’s Next?

The world is in a moment of cultural revolution. And everyone is watching who America will choose to lead us through these troubled times. It is your responsibility to vote in the 2024 elections, but you can also use your voice to help shape policy as we move through this next administration.

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