
State Considers Allowing Chaplains In Public Schools

Feb 28, 2024

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The state of Florida is considering allowing chaplains to work in public schools after approving Senate Bill 1044 in a February vote.

Senate Bill 1044 states: “Each school district or charter school may adopt a policy to authorize volunteer school chaplains to provide supports, services, and programs to students as assigned by the district school board or charter school governing board.” This would allow volunteer chaplains who pass a background check to help in public schools. School administrators would have to publicize any chaplain’s religious affiliations and gain parental consent prior to student counseling, but the ruling could allow more people to help in schools suffering under a macro-mental health crisis.

Similar bills have moved through state legal systems in Texas, Kansas, and Oklahoma. But there are some concerns that Satanists, atheists, and others may present themselves to children as chaplains. (LEARN MORE: Chaplains To Serve In Schools Following Historic Decision)

What Do Religious Leaders Say?

“In speaking with church and ministry leaders about this opportunity to place chaplains in schools, it is suitable from my view if churches who adhere to biblical instruction could commission chaplains and send them to schools — if they have chaplains who know Jesus and have a pastoral heart to minister and bring forth spiritual guidance as they speak life, hope, and encouragement to students, faculty, and parents,” Family Research Council chaplain and National Prayer Director Pastor Jay Johnson told the Washington Stand.

“However, there is a downside to this. If church and ministry leaders don’t seize the opportunity and chaplains take up positions in schools that are without Christ or associated with a cult, it could give the enemy a foothold and expose the student body to spiritual darkness.”

What Do You Want In Your District?

It is your right to tell your local, state, and federally elected officials exactly what you want from their time in office. If you want qualified chaplains to be able to volunteer in your school district, tell your lawmakers today. Sign up for www.millionvoices.org today (text MV to 80550) and share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed. And start working today to make a better tomorrow for all of your American neighbors.

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