
State Gives Free Gender Surgeries To Illegal Immigrants

Jan 10, 2024

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On January 1, 2024, the state of California decided to start using taxpayer money to give illegal immigrants so-called “gender transition” surgeries and hormone therapies.

Medi-Cal, the Medicaid program for California, was designed to give low-income families affordable and/or free healthcare, as well as individuals under the age of 50, according to the Washington Stand. Under the new law, free services are designed for “recipients who receive services that do not match the gender assigned at birth.”

This is not the first time California has given out free taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries. In 2017, the state started allowing inmates to receive full gender transition surgeries for free. From here, the inmates, predominantly male-to-female, request a transfer to a female prison. (LEARN MORE: World Expert Says Transgenderism Is ‘Mental Disorder,’ Sex Changes Are ‘Biologically Impossible,’ And The Industry Will Collapse Like Eugenics Did)

This Is Not Healthcare

“The problem with the recently enacted law in California is that it turns reality upside down in the name of ‘health care,’” Center of Biblical Worldview director David Closson told the outlet. “California is now using taxpayers to fund procedures that could be more properly described as abuse.” (LEARN MORE: 23 States Pass 84 Laws Protecting Children From Medical Harm)

“Already, California funds abortion on demand. So, in one sense, it’s not a surprise to see them go down this road. And California’s journey to bankruptcy seems to be moving full speed ahead as ideology, rather than health care, drives the Left that is in control of” the state, the outlet noted.

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