
Trump Polls Higher Than Biden In Key States

Apr 20, 2024

Fox News statewide polls conducted in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin found that a majority of voters are unhappy with President Joe Biden’s job performance.

The data shows that in a head-to-head matchup, former President Donald Trump would beat Biden in Georgia and Michigan, while the two men are tied in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Fox News also noted that:

  • Trump is meeting or exceeding his 2020 vote percentages in the two-way race, while Biden trails his number
  • More voters disapprove than approve of Biden’s job performance by at least 10 points
  • Biden overperforms his approval rating by at least 3 points in the matchup, as 10% of those who disapprove of his job performance still prefer him over Trump
  • Trump holds a substantial trust advantage on immigration and the economy; Biden holds a smaller edge on election integrity and health care. On abortion, more trust Biden in MI, PA, and WI, while more trust Trump in GA
  • Biden has a higher unfavorable rating than Trump (except in WI, where both are viewed negatively by 54%)

What About Other Candidates?

2024 presidential Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ranked below 10% in support in a hypothetical five-way race across the four states, Fox noted. RFK Jr. secured access to the ballot in Michigan for the upcoming election, according to The Associated Press. (LEARN MORE: Most US Voters Think CIA, FBI May Control 2024’s Election)

Both Trump and Biden are apparently concerned that RFK Jr. will pull support away from their candidacies, causing chaos unlike anything seen in the American Presidential election before. (LEARN MORE: COVID Cover-Up Involves Wuhan And 15 Federal Agencies)

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The polls were conducted April 11-16 and included over 1,100 registered voters in each state.

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