
Most US Voters Think CIA, FBI May Control 2024’s Election

Mar 9, 2024

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A Rasmussen poll published in March detailed how a majority of U.S. voters believe that intelligence agencies are trying to control the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

The national telephone poll and online survey found that 52% of likely U.S. voters think agencies like the CIA, and FBI, want to control the election outcome, with 31% who think it “very likely,” the poll found. Some 38% don’t think these agencies are involved in the election, and 20% feel it’s not likely at all. However, the remaining 20% are unsure, which is still a significant finding.

In addition to these findings, 49% of your likely fellow voters feel that our intelligence services have a unique political agenda, separate from that held by the American people. This is actually a reduction from 2023 when 51% felt intelligence agencies were focused on their own goals.

Do You Trust Our Agencies?

Reports surfaced in February of the U.S. intelligence community (IC) illegally mobilizing foreign intelligence agencies to target those who advised former President Donald Trump, according to Newsmax. These reports come from journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Gutentag, who spoke to multiple credible sources regarding the allegations. Despite these claims not being confirmed, the intelligence community also hasn’t denied them. (LEARN MORE: Biden Ignores Christian Massacres For 3rd Year In A Row)

The lack of serious investigation into attacks against Christian groups, the open border crisis, and so many other issues all contribute to the list of reasons U.S. voters may find it hard to trust our agencies. So, what are we to do? (LEARN MORE: Biden Sued Over Conservative Censorship)

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By contacting your local representatives to share your concerns or questions about the intelligence community, we can start a national conversation about protecting us, the American people. You don’t have to wait until election season to have your voice heard. You can use it today!

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