US In ‘Hot War’ With Russia That Could Go Nuclear: TUCKER

miss cabul / rokas tenys / juergen nowak / shutterstock
Tucker Carlson shared a video Tuesday (Nov. 3) in which he described how the U.S. is in a “hot war” with Russia that has potentially devastating consequences for the West should it turn nuclear.
“We’re back in Moscow. Here’s why.” Carlson titled his latest Instagram video, which appears to be in relation to his previous interview with Russian president Vladimir Putin. (MORE: Pray With Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson Today)
“We’ve watched from the United States as the Biden administration has driven the U.S. ever closer to a nuclear conflict with Russia, the country that possesses the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. It has accelerated ever since and it’s reached its apogee so far in the weeks after Trump’s election. He is now president-elect,” Carlson continued. “In that time, just a few weeks ago, the Biden administration, American military personnel launched missiles into mainland Russia and killed at least a dozen Russian soldiers.”
Americans Have No Idea We’re In An ‘Undeclared War’
“So we are, unbeknownst to most Americans, in a hot war with Russia, an undeclared war, a war that you did not vote for and that most Americans don’t want but is ongoing,” Carlson continued. “And because of that war, because of the fact the U.S. military is killing Russians in Russia right now, we are closer to nuclear war than any time in history.”
This threat is far more serious than the Cuban Missile Crisis, Carlson noted. The scale of this conflict could mean the elimination of Russia, the U.S. and most of the rest of the world, he argued. And since no one from the mainstream news media is talking about it, Americans are completely unaware of the extent of the threat. (LEARN MORE: Bernie Says ‘Elon Musk Is Right’ About Gov. Accountability)
No one from the U.S. government has spoken to anyone within Russian leadership for at least two years, Carlson added, which only inflates this problem. To investigate this story, Carlson spoke to Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. His interview will be released in the coming days. Carlson attempted to speak to Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky, but was told that he was only able to speak to CNN.
Scale Of The Crisis
The current conflict with Russia is already a huge threat to American and Russian lives, as well as our respective allies and “every person on the planet,” Carlson noted. It’s reshaping the U.S. economy and geopolitics, potentially forever. (MORE: Christians & UFOs: What One Pastor Has To Say)
Million Voices could not find information on the claims made by Carlson on any major search engine or news outlet. On Dec. 3, 2024, the Department of Defense issued a statement from Gen. Pat Ryder, which detailed “self-defense” strikes in the “vicinity of Military Support Site Euphrates in Syria that included three truck mounted multiple rocket launchers, a T-64 tank and mortars that presented a clear and imminent threat to US and coalition forces.” Russia is said to be sending support to Syrian troops in their battle against “rebel” forces, but many of these claims come from Ukrainian military intelligence and could not be independently verified by Million Voices.
Tell US Lawmakers What You Want To Happen Next …
We just had an election where a lot of people lost their jobs, and a lot of new people are coming in to work for you, the American people. These elected officials don’t get to start their job until January 20th, 2025, so what do we do with this time until then?
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Our goal is to move through this political transition from the Biden administration to the incoming Trump administration by educating you on the key issues you can take action on outside of election season. Once you know what’s going on across the local, state, and national landscape, we’ll tell your leaders what you want to happen. This is how we get your elected officials to keep working for you once they’ve earned your vote.
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