Arkansas needs you to vote. Vote with confidence.
Don't be one of the 30 million people of faith, uninformed and disengaged.
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Voter Guide
Get your free Voter Guide
Arkansas needs your voice. Our non-partisan voter guides will help you decide who you can vote for in the upcoming November election.
This voter guide provides background information on each candidate, giving you a listing of who you can vote for and the facts on each candidate's experience and goals.
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ShortcodeUse your voice to change policy in Arkansas
We help you speak directly to your policymakers on the issues you care about.
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Help us reach and activate 30 million people of faith and provide resources to help them vote with confidence.
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Over 30 million people aren’t using their voices to change policy. They are often unaware of the issues and what to do about them.
Voter Guides increase the likelihood that an individual will vote by 75%.
Here is a sample text you can use to text a friend.
I found this helpful non-partisan guide from to help me make an informed and confident vote. I thought I would share it with you.
Help us get this out there.
Over 30 million people aren’t using their voices to change policy. They are often unaware of the issues and what to do about them.
Voter Guides increase the likelihood that an invididual will vote by 75%.
Here is a sample text you can use to text a friend.
I found this helpful non-partisan guide from to help me make an informed and confident vote. I thought I would share it with you.