DMV Loophole Could Cause Millions Of Illegal Votes

Aug 19, 2024

Election Integrity Network founder Cleta Mitchell warned Monday that millions of people may be able to vote illegally in the 2024 elections because of a DMV loophole.

“[P]oor Arizona, they’ve been trying for 20 years to be able to get documentary proof of citizenship in order to be able to register to vote in that state, literally starting in the early 2000s,” Mitchell told Washington Watch, speaking of the Arizona decision to allow people to vote without showing any form of identification. (LEARN MORE: State Finds County Violated Election Law In 2022)

“There is a statute in Arizona that you have to provide proof of citizenship when you register to vote. And they asked the Election Assistance Commission about a decade ago to add that to the federal form for use in Arizona, because Congress … 31 years ago passed what we call the ‘Motor Voter’ bill that requires every state to accept and use this federal form for voter registration. Arizona wanted to make sure that the form was consistent with its state law requiring documentary proof of citizenship.”

How It Works

“However, the Supreme Court of the United States said that the Election Assistance Commission didn’t have the authority to do that because Congress didn’t put it in the language of the statute. So what the Supreme Court ordered as a remedy 11 years ago was for Arizona to be able to have two separate voter rolls. If you want to vote in state elections, you have to provide documentary proof of citizenship. But if you don’t have documentary proof of citizenship, guess what? You can register to vote on the federal only list, which means if you don’t prove citizenship, you can get a ballot for president, U.S. Senate, and U.S. House,” she continued.

Mitchell hopes that Arizona will appeal the ruling over the seriousness of the situation in allowing illegal immigrants and other noncitizens to steal the 2024 elections and more. “I hope that they’ll move for emergency consideration by the U.S. Supreme Court. And I wish that the Trump campaign would also weigh in, and a lot of people would weigh in and ask the court to keep Arizona from sending ballots to people who are not confirmed to be U.S. citizens. If you want to pick the number one thing I’m worried about for 2024, that’s it. And it’s not just in Arizona. It’s everywhere,” she stated. (LEARN MORE: Christians Called To Shine ‘Light’ On ‘Dark Institutions’)

“[W]e know that it’s an issue because we know that there are non-citizens on the voter rolls,” she added. “[We] have to remember that this has happened gradually. And the laws regarding the Help America Vote Act passed in 2002 says that every state … must verify identity and residency of a voter before adding that person to the voter rolls. What’s missing from that list? Citizenship, because nobody could envision a time when we would have massive disregard of our immigration laws by the existing administration. And so what we have is this massive number of illegals coming across the border. We have laws on the books against that. They’re here illegally. But somehow we’re supposed to imagine that the same people who came across the border illegally are somehow going to say, ‘Oh, but it’s illegal for me to register and vote?”

What Should We Do?

“[W]e have so many people around the country who’ve worked so hard on trying to clean voter rolls,” Mitchell concluded. (LEARN MORE: Who Is J.D. Vance, Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick?)

“I do urge people to sign up and be a poll observer and sign up to be an election worker. … I really do believe that it is going to take all of us getting everyone we know to vote. … I think [Trump] has to win by such big margins that they can’t manipulate the outcome. [T]he closer it is, the harder it is for us to overcome the shenanigans. But number one … let’s all work hard at getting our friends and neighbors and family members to register, to vote, and to look around and basically create a national neighborhood watch. Do we see pockets of illegals registering at driver’s license agencies? Raise the stink about it in your local communities.”

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