Children Fail Basic Classes Across US
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A recent report published by Gallup showed that parents are likely in the dark about their children’s actual academic qualifications.
Nine in 10 parents believe their child is performing at their grade level or higher in reading and math, despite national data suggesting otherwise, according to Gallup. Though eight in 10 students average B grades on their report cards, the measures used by schools are not always accurate. When compared to nationalized test standards, less than half of American students are actually reaching the correct academic level. (LEARN MORE: School To Pay $80,000 For Silencing Christians)
Most parents use their child’s report cards to gauge their level of involvement in academic study. But these measures also include non-academic data, like attendance, participation in classes, and “effort,” a relative term.
Parental Involvement Is Key
“As parents, we are a formidable force when it comes to our children. If there are issues to address, we’ll address them. If there are actions to take, we’ll take them. But we can’t take action without information,” Founder and President of Learning Heroes, Bibb Hubbard said in a statement shared by The Christian Post. “This is a solvable problem, and we are leaving an incredible national asset — America’s parents — on the sidelines, lulled into complacency by B-flation.”
When parents know their children aren’t performing, they’re more likely to prioritize support. But when parents are lulled into a false sense of security about their child’s education, their focus tends to turn to emotional-social issues.
“When parents think their child is below grade level in reading or math, they are more likely to discuss their concerns and those of their teachers. However, the number of parents who hold these concerns is still significantly less than the number of children below grade (roughly one-quarter of those who have conversations with their child’s teacher are still not discussing their own concerns with their child’s teacher),” the researchers reported. (LEARN MORE: Universal School Choice Enacted In 10th State. What Does This Mean For You?)
You Can Stand Up For Education Today
Are you one of the millions of parents fighting for school choice right now? If not, here’s what you need to know: The government may think your child’s life and education career are best conducted under their rule, but we know that parents should always come first. There are entire cities where public schools can’t educate one student to math proficiency — do you really want this for your child’s experience?
You can tell your local, state, and federally elected officials how you want your public schools to look today. Sign up for today (text MV to 80550). We’ll ensure your voice is heard. Our mission is to ensure the voice of voters and taxpayers is turned into action, and your elected officials are held responsible for their actions.
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