
Kentucky To Consider School Choice Amendment

Jul 25, 2024

Kentucky voters get to choose in November whether their state becomes one of the many supporting school choice.

Amendment 2 goes before voters in November and would allow lawmakers to fund schools outside of the public system, according to The Christian Post. “The General Assembly may provide financial support for the education of students outside the system of common schools. The General Assembly may exercise this authority by law, Sections 59, 60, 171, 183, 184, 186, and 189 of this Constitution notwithstanding,” the Amendment states.

The Amendment has already passed through Kentucky’s General Assembly, with nearly all Republicans supporting the measure while Democrats either didn’t or abstained. (LEARN MORE: The Easiest Way To Use Your Voice To Protect School Choice)

What Is School Choice?

School Choice programs offer parents a way to support their children’s education without having to go to mainstream public schools. Experts say the process fuels innovation. (LEARN MORE: School Choice Fuels Innovation, Experts Say)

“Are we fearful that they might not agree with us, that they might agree with whatever the particular position is?” asked Republican Kentucky Rep. James Tipton. “My thought today is going to be to put my faith and trust in the voters of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to make this decision.”

Advocates for school choice in North Carolina, Iowa, Utah, Florida, and Arkansas created all seem to be moving forward. Other states developed their own unique programs to help students struggling within the failing public school system too! Is this something you’d like in your state?

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