
Speaker Johnson Demands Border Deal For Ukraine Cash

Jan 22, 2024

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House Speaker Mike Johnson said Wednesday that he’s going to push for tighter border security, and no more money will be going to Ukraine until a deal is signed to protect the U.S.

“Before we even talk about Ukraine, I’m going to tell the president what I was telling all of you and what we told the American people: border, border, border,” Johnson said Wednesday, according to Newsmax. “We have to take care of our own house. We have to secure our own border before we talk about doing anything else.”

Johnson met with President Joe Biden and other leaders to discuss immigration policy. Republicans are currently blocking Biden’s “emergency funding” request for Ukraine and even threatened a partial government shutdown if the Administration didn’t work to secure the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada. (LEARN MORE: House Speaker Mike Johnson on Faith, Media, and More)

Senate Leaders Express Optimism

“The border is a catastrophe, and it has to be addressed,” Johnson continued. “You’re going to see House Republicans standing and fighting on that hill because it’s important for the country.” Johnson is also pushing Biden for assurances that Ukraine will not become another Afghanistan.

Biden decided to pull out of Afghanistan during his first years as President, after 20 years of warfare in the Middle Eastern state. His methods allowed the terror group — the Taliban — to take full control of Afghanistan. Women and girls are no longer first-class citizens in Afghanistan, thousands have died, and the nation is significantly worse off than before the U.S. invaded post-9/11.

You Deserve Leaders Who Protect You

Everyone deserves to live in a country where their elected officials will protect them from war and terror. Right now, we have a president with a proven track record of abandoning his people. Is this what you really want for the future of our nation?

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