
‘The Dominoes Are Beginning To Fall’

Feb 19, 2024

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Million Voices CEO John Graves talked to “FLASHPOINT” host Gene Bailey about how the Democrat “dominoes” are starting to fall, but that doesn’t mean the work is done.

“We were saying three years ago, ‘the dominoes are starting to fall,'” Bailey reminded John, who chuckled at the statement.

“That’s exactly what I’m thinking!” John replied. “I’m literally sitting here watching this whole thing thinking everyone one of these: the border, the inflation, the Hunter Biden laptop, election integrity, all of these issues have taken three years” to come to light.

The Truth

John discussed how reporting around Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was filled will illicit material, was silenced by social media, the Democrats, and government agencies prior to the 2020 election. The news broke of the laptop in the October before the November vote and had Democrats known the truth, there’s every chance former President Donald Trump would have won a second term.

“But God’s hand is in this,” John continued, noting the comparison with Joseph in the Old Testament. “Yeah, you meant to kill me, but God means it for good.” (LEARN MORE: Biden Ignores Christian Massacres For 3rd Year In A Row)

So instead of looking at this situation in a depleted sense, we must rejoice. Yes, it took three years to get to this place, but it only took three years. “It’s exciting because God’s up to something bigger than we can imagine,” John continued.

Expect Something Huge

Using your voice in the 2024 elections is more important than ever. Even though the “wheels of justice turn slowly, they do turn,” John noted. (LEARN MORE: Voters Lose Confidence In Biden Over Soaring Consumer Prices)

Your local, state, and federally elected officials have a responsibility to act in your best interest. When was the last time you reminded them of that? Contacting your lawmakers sounds complicated. But we made it extremely easy. Check out this video to learn more.

To contact your local representatives today, and propose your favorite future candidates for President, sign up for www.millionvoices.org today (text MV to 80550). We’ll ensure that your voice is always heard. Share this article with your friends and family so they can stay informed.

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